ILLINOIS BOYS LACROSSE ASSOCIATION IBLA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing youth lacrosse teams with a league in which to compete with the same rules, regulations, and structure as high school leagues. Offers teams the opportunity to play with other local teams, grouping them by region, and competing for a championship. Adds legitimacy to youth lacrosse, helping young players to prepare for their future playing careers at the high school level. It is our mission to raise the level of instruction, support, coaching and play for all of Illinois youth lacrosse. Reason for starting league History of the league Mission of the league
CONFERENCES PER DIVISION In 2017, teams were located in 32 different regions The 2018 season, the IBLA expects to house over 37 regions Divisions are split up by grade level, not birthdate AGE DIVISIONS U8 Mini (K-2nd) U10 Junior (3rd-4th) U12 Minor (5th-6th) U14 Major (7th-8th) CONFERENCES PER DIVISION A B C
LEAGUE INFORMATION Game Officials League Scheduling Software: - SeasonTicker will schedule games, teams choose their home and away dates in online system based on home field availability Game Schedule: - Half of your games played at home location, other half at an away site League Website: - Site will maintain game schedules, standings, and playoff details - Can be used as a homepage for all teams Coach & Parent Volunteer Support: - Every coach and parent volunteer will receive a certification through Positive Coaching Alliance Playoff games All Star Game Insurance: - The league does not require any outside insurance League Fees: $800 (Major, Minor & Junior); $400 (Mini)
IMPORTANT DATES December 14th: Board Meeting 7-9pm February 22nd: Positive Coaching Alliance 7-9pm March 1st: Clubs MUST have teams registered in SeasonTicker website by 10pm March 8th: Placement Committee voting meeting 7-9pm March 12th: Scheduling opens April 14th: Game Season opens June 6th: All Star game 4-9pm June 9-10th: Playoffs