2017 Multi-State Collaborative (MSC) to Advance Student Learning RCTC’s participation in an exciting assessment initiative
What is the MSC? 13 state multi-year collaboration Authentic assessment of student work Use of VALUE rubrics (VALUE = Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education) Emphasis on reliable, valid data Assessed student learning outcomes: Quantitative Literacy, Written Communication, Critical thinking
How does the MSC do its work?
What are the MSC results so far? “On Solid Ground” Value Report 2017 Pages 23 and 24: Minnesota Collaborative Pages 40 to 43: Community college results for Critical Thinking Quantitative Literacy Written Communication
What does RCTC have to do? Collect a statistically valid sample across the institution. Submit 200 de-identified student artifacts. Provide faculty “scorers” to assess student artifacts from other institutions.
What about data privacy? What do I have to do? If selected, you will need to provide student artifacts from one appropriate assignment in your course. you will need to make sure your student assignment meets specified MSC parameters. That’s all! What about data privacy? All student artifacts “de-identified”. There is no way to match students, teachers, courses. All MSC data reports will be at the aggregate level.
What are the benefits for RCTC? Sustained assessment initiative. Benchmarked data. Informed decisions about learning outcomes. Questions? Feel free to contact Tricia Olinger Teresa Brown Mike Mutschelknaus (email Mike for a copy of this powerpoint)
Discussion questions How could the MSC initiative help improve…. Student learning in the classroom? Department and program assessment efforts? Meaningful assessment of college core outcomes? Sustaining RCTC’s assessment initiatives?