System Requirements Review Mike Dumas Ben Scott Jason Darby Adam Naramore Gaetano Settineri Tim Sparks David Wilson
Business Case Alternative Fuel Business Class Aircraft for Fractional Operators Light to Medium, 6 to 9 Passenger Aircraft with Transcontinental Range Rising Cost of Petroleum Based Fuels Provides Incentive for the use of Alternative Fuels Additionally, Provide Necessary Infrastructure to Support Alternative Fuels Based Aircraft
Business Case Continued Target Sales to Fractional Operators, NetJets, FlexJets etc. Benefits Include: Reduced Fuel Costs as Cost of Petroleum Rises, Clean Renewable Fuels No Alternative Fuel Powered Business Aircraft are Currently in Operation Excellent Opportunity for Market Share Capture and Profit
Market Size Market Size Drivers Deteriorating Airline Environment Growing Economy New Aircraft with increased efficiencies and abilities Market Capture Target (Next 5 Years) 2.5% Total Market or 25 per Year Growth Estimates (5+ Years) 5% Total Market or 50 per Year Growth Forecast (By 2022) 7% Light-Medium Market or 260 per Year
Competing Alternatives Citation Bravo 7 to 10 PAX MTOW 14,800 lbs Max Cruise Speed M 0.70 Range 2,300 miles Citation CJ1 5 to 7 PAX MTOW 10,400 lbs Range 1,700 miles
Competing Alternatives Learjet 45 8 to 9 PAX MTOW 20,750 lbs Max Cruise Speed M 0.81 Range 2,420 miles Hawker 400XP 7 to 9 PAX MTOW 16,300 lbs Max Cruise Speed M 0.78 Range 2,130 miles
Customer Attributes Owner/Operator Passengers Passenger Capacity Operability Aircraft Lifespan Acquisition Cost Passengers Destination Capability Flight Time Airport Flexibility Availability
Design Requirements Range: 2500 nm Cruise Speed: 0.70 Mach Cruise Altitude: 41,000 ft Pax Capacity: 6-9 people Cabin Height/Width: 5.8/5 ft Takeoff/Landing Distance: < 3800 ft Operating Costs: Competition ($1400/hr)
Sample Mission Profile 41,000 ft 10,000 ft 5,000 ft 1,500 ft 1,500 ft 50 ft G. Cruise at 400 KCAS Descend to 5000 ft at 3000 ft/min Decelerate to 250 KCAS Descend to 1500 ft Approach Land & taxi to hanger/terminal Fuel reserves for 45 min at best range speed Taxi out (5 minutes) Take-off to 50 ft Climb to 1,500 ft & Accelerate to 250 KCAS Climb to 10,000 ft at 250 KCAS Accelerate to 1500 ft/min climb rate Climb to best altitude, 41,000 ft