Jacob Heabeart 3rd Hour Career Technology 5/8/14 Pediatrician Jacob Heabeart 3rd Hour Career Technology 5/8/14
What is a pediatrician? They give out physicals A pediatrician is a doctor for children They examine the children with a close eye They give out physicals They prescribe medicine
Nature of work Diagnose kids Administer Vaccines Examine children Prescribe medicine Treat injuries
Working conditions Physical and mental work Inside an office The hours vary depending on the doctor’s preference Environment is happy and work with children
TQA Doctorate, bachelor degree, residency in pediatrics, and a fellowship University of Michigan Biology, anatomy and physiology Employment rate is around 30,000 pediatricians It is not a competitive occupation I hope to find this career near home No Particular places
Salary My lifestyle goals is to make over $150,000 a year Annual average salary is $170,000ish This meets my goals My first purchase will be paying any debt off
Pharmacist Give medicine to customer In pharmacy inside air conditioning and heat University of Phoenix Seems like a good job $120,000 annually
Summary I like this job because is pays a lot and the hours are good. I look forward to the pay the most, I look forward to the parents the least I have learned that a pediatrician is a good job
References http://www.illinoisworknet.com/vos_portal/Industry/en/Home/HealthCare/default.htm?occType=conditions&occText=Doctors+-+Pediatricians&occId=100507 http://pediatrics.answers.com/career/how-many-hours-does-a-pediatrician-work https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101008054903AAeMvcN http://www.bls.gov/oes/CURRENT/oes291065.htm http://www.qtau.com/contents/20080905-jobs-jobs-jobs.html http://www1.salary.com/Pharmacist-Salary.html