IRIDE: The Photon Machine Luca Serafini, Fabio Villa - INFN/Milano, INFN/LNF WG2 Conveners High Power High Quality Optical Photon Beams as Converters of Electron Beams Brightness into High Brilliance (X/) Photon Beams via high efficiency Compton/Thomson back-scattering of new generation (photons/electron >>1) Two main cathegories of Optical Photon Beams: Amplified Pulsed Lasers (J-class, 100 Hz) Enhanced CW Lasers in Fabry-Perot Cav. (mJ-class, 100 MHz) Luminosity Issues for Nuclear Photonics, -g Colliders and e- Colliders IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Some Basics of Inverse Compton Scattering in the Thomson Limit lL energy = Ee= g me q lX Normal Compton Scattering the photon has higher energy than the electron The inverse process has the Thomson cross-section when The scattered photon satisfies the undulator equation with period lL/2 for head-on collisions lX = lL (1+a02/2+gq) 4g2 Therefore, the x-ray energy decreases substantially at an angle 1/g IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Relative deviation of Compton vs. Thomson frequency/wavelength IRIDE Sapphire ELI-NP x1=0.02 Thomson (elastic) negligible recoil Classical Synchrotron radiation in e.m. undulator Intermediate zone Quantum Effects Dominant e- (1 GeV); l0=1µm lT=6 x10-8µm, ET=20 MeV e- (200 MeV); l0=1µm lT=1.56 x10-6µm, ET=800 KeV e- (29 MeV); l0=0.8µm lT=0.5 x10-4µm, ET=20 KeV IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
SAPPHiRE: a Small gg Higgs Factory (courtesy Frank Zimmerman) scale ~ European XFEL, about 10-20k Higgs per year SAPPHiRE: Small Accel. for Photon-Photon Higgs prod. using Recirculating Electrons
EuroGammas Proposal for ELI-NP-GBS IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
EuroGammas Proposal for ELI-NP-GBS IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Quantum shift DE in quasi-Thomson limit CAIN Comp_Cross TSST A part from the quantum shift, the spectra are very similar IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Angular and Frequency Spectrum (560 MeV electrons) IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Efficiency of Compton Conversion What happens to electron beam after scattering Polarization of g-ray beam Emittance of g-ray beam IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Scattered photons in collision electrons laser Thomson cross-section Scattered flux Luminosity as in HEP collisions Many photons, electrons Focus tightly z s b s’=s/b x x’ seq s’high s’low IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Classical Syncr. Radiation from undulators IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Angular and spectral distribution of the TS radiation in the case of 3 ps laser pulse (12.5 µm beam waist) Linear Thomson Scattering IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
ELI IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Efficiency of Compton Conversion What happens to electron beam after scattering Polarization of g-ray beam Emittance of g-ray beam IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Efficiency of Compton Conversion What happens to electron beam after scattering Polarization of g-ray beam (99% in quasi-Thomson Limit) no need of polarized electron beam! Emittance of g-ray beam (Sqrt[2]*electron beam emittance) in Thomson Limit: g-ray beam focusability as for e- beam IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Amplified Pulsed Lasers (J-class, 100 Hz) IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Laser Recirculator ELI-NP-GS Workshop, Milano, May 14th 2012
IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
LAL MightyLaser experiment at KEK-ATF Enhanced CW Lasers in Fabry-Perot Cav. (mJ-class, 100 MHz) LAL MightyLaser experiment at KEK-ATF non-planar high finesse four mirror Fabry-Perot cavity; first Compton collisions observed in October 2010 I. Chaikovska, N. Delerue, A. Variola, F. Zomer et al Vacuum vessel for Fabry-Perot cavity installed at ATF Optical system used for laser power amplification and to inject laser into FPC Plan: improve laser and FPC mirrors & gain several orders Comparison of measured and simulated gamma-ray energy spectra from Compton scattering Gamma ray spectrum for different FPC stored laser power I. Chaikovska, PhD thesis to be published
passive optical cavity → relaxed laser parameters K. Moenig et al, DESY Zeuthen
Mighty Laser 100 kW 100 MHz (1 mJ) Mighty Laser ultimate 1 MW 100 MHz (10 mJ) HHG-Japan 1 kW 10 MHz (0.1 mJ) IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Nuclear Photonics IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Colliders ELI-NP like IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan VUV frequency comb generation based on Yb-doped fiber lasers and its application for comb spectroscopy Akira Ozawa and Yohei Kobayashi The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan and Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST), JST, Japan
Laser system for high harmonic generation at 10MHz CPA system with Yb fiber laser Cavity enhanced HHG can be driven at 10 MHz repetition rate
Laser system for high harmonic generation at 10MHz Amplifier (20W) 10MHz Yb fiber oscillator FROG trace Achieved: 20W, 200fs, 10MHz 2uJ stretcher preamplifiers power amplifier compressor oscillator
Large-scale external cavity for intracavity HHG ~15m
Vibration and sound isolation for external cavity ~17 m ~4.5m 4-mirrors bow-tie cavity (30m cavity length) ~15 m ~15m
HHG with 30m enhancement cavity (1kW, 200fs, 10 MHz) MgO Outcoupling plate Gas-nozzle for HHG
CONCLUSION: there is certainly a further chance for optimization with Quasi-CW Beams, running at a few MHz, matched to a 10 MHz FP Cavity in asymmetric mode Working Group, tomorrow…. i) interaction regions for e-g, -g ii) injector portfolio iii) parallel implementation of FP cavities and amplified recirculated lasers iv) comparison with self-excited (FELs?) opt. cavities IRIDE Study Day - LNF - March 14th 2013
Envelopes of the laser beam (dotted line), first electron beam (for Compton back-scattering, dashed) deflected after collision with laser to clear the second electron beam (solid line). laser envelope envelope of first electron beam deflected x [mm] Laser intensity distribution and first electron bunch at Compton back-scattering Collision point collision point second electron beam envelope to collision incoming gamma photon beam envelope z [mm]
Enlarged view (zoomed out over 1 cm in z and +-200 microns in x) to show laser envelope clearance and deflecting dipole poles (0.3 T B field applied). laser envelope x [mm] envelope of first electron beam deflected collision point second electron beam envelope to collision incoming gamma photon beam envelope z [mm]