The online safety toolkit for Wales.
This session will: Provide a brief background to some online safety risks and cases Explain how you can gain access to the tool Provide you with an opportunity to start your review Give you the chance to network with other online safety school leads Answer any questions you may have.
Draw a 9 by 4 grid and in the corresponding cell write the name of the app from its logo
Risk to your learners (and staff) Commercial Aggressive Sexual Values Content Adverts Spam Sponsorship Personal info Violent or Hateful content Pornographic or unwelcome sexual content Bias Racist Misleading info or advice Contact Tracking Harvesting personal info Being bullied harassed or stalked Meeting strangers Being groomed Self-harm Unwelcome persuasions Conduct Illegal downloading Hacking Gambling Financial scams Terrorism Bullying or harassing another Creating and uploading inappropriate material Providing misleading info or advice
Risks to professionals Abuse Victimisation Comments Your posts Posts by others about or linked to you Posts by impersonators Nothing online is truly private Loss of control In 2017 the Professionals Online Safety Helpline has seen cases of online reputational damage rise by 41% compared with 2016
Risks to your school Self-evaluation form for safeguarding and child protection
Risks to your school Self-evaluation form for safeguarding and child protection
Risks to your school Self-evaluation form for safeguarding and child protection
Risks to your school Self-evaluation form for safeguarding and child protection
Risks to your school Self-evaluation form for safeguarding and child protection
Risks to your school
Is the wifi working?! Go to Login Click on the dropdown menu Find 360 degree safe Cymru
How to use the tool
How to use the tool
How to use the tool On each aspect page you choose the level statement that best fits your school. This symbol shows the “accreditation benchmark level” for the aspect When you have chosen your level it is highlighted like this.
How to use the tool Possible sources of evidence are suggested Improvement action changes as you change your chosen level statement Clicking on these links opens relevant policy templates and other guidance Here you can add free text in evidence, action notes or comments sections These buttons allow you to navigate through the aspects.
Now it’s over to you Start your review! Go through each aspect and record where you think your school is using the 5-1 radio buttons Then go back and change any once you’ve finished your first run-through Add any action notes for actions you intend to take Ask colleagues or me any questions you may have
Policy All SWGfL template policies now available in one place To what extent is online safety included in your policies for: Behaviour Safeguarding Filtering Monitoring Acceptable Use Agreements Social Media Mobile devices?
Monitoring How many online safety cases do you have every year? Is this increasing or decreasing? How is the senior leadership team (inc. Governors) tackling online issues? Monitoring forms – online or offline? Designated Senior Person needs to monitor relevant safeguarding issues.
This year’s roadmap
Professional’s Online Safety Helpline
Questions? Resources, today’s presentation and an evaluation form available from: