Transparency Register 4th EUSC – 10 October 2016 B. Denis
What is the Transparency Register? The Register covers all activities carried out with the intention of directly or indirectly influencing the formulation or implementation of policy and the decision-making processes of the EU institutions, irrespective of where they are undertaken and of the channel or method of communication used. It includes lobbying, interest representation and advocacy. Stakeholders range from public affairs consultancies, self-employed consultants and law firms to in-house lobbyists, trade, business or professional associations, charities, NGOs, religious organisations, think tanks, academic organisations and those public authorities that have representative offices in Brussels.
Why was it set up? The Transparency Register has been set up to answer core questions such as what interests are being pursued, by whom and with what budgets. The system is operated jointly by the European Parliament and the Commission, and builds on previous initiatives in this area. In this way, the Register allows for public scrutiny, giving citizens and other interest groups the possibility to track the activities of lobbyists.
Who is registered?
Who is registered? But … No EIROforum member registered Note: Registered as “non governmental organisation, platforms and network” Contact details: Paul Scherrer Institute
Incentives for registration - Meetings with Commisioners, Cabinet members and Directors-General: organisations or self-employed individuals engaged in activities covered by the Register must be registered in order to hold such meetings; - Public consultations: sending automatic alerts to registered entities about consultations in areas of interest indicated by them; differentiating between registered and non-registered entities when publishing the results; - Expert groups: DGs running such groups are encouraged to check whether the organisation to which a particular expert belongs is registered. If it is not, it will be asked to do so; - Mailing lists: relevant organisations featuring on any mailing lists set up to inform or alert their members about certain Commission activities or initiatives will be asked to register; - Patronage: the Commission will not grant its patronage to organisations representing interests that are not registered;
If your organisation perform one or more of these activities - Lobbies to influence policymaking, policy implementation and/or the EU institutions' decision-making process; - Engages with Commissioners, EU civil servants, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) or their assistants, to represent an interest or position; - Provides written or oral positions in public consultations, public hearings or debates held by the EU institutions; - Takes part in or EU-run structures such as Expert Groups, Advisory Committees, High Level Groups, European Parliament Intergroups, Committees or forums; - Organises events, or forums dealing with EU policies/processes, invitations to which have been sent to Commissioners, MEPs and their assistants or EU officials; - Drafts, circulates and communicates interest-related information material or discussion/position papers dealing with EU policies, processes or procedures; - Provides expertise on or research on EU activities and policies, involving regular contact with the EU institutions and feeding into the EU policy-making process; - Conducts EU-funded projects involving any or all of the above activities covered by the Register;
Contribution is mentioned as: …individual response based at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Consultation : 01/03/2016 – 01/06/2016
Thank you for your attention