Truman to Eisenhower SIN #36 SWBAT: Describe the transition from Truman to Eisenhower. Skim pages 667-671. GI Bill (definition): 1948 election (who won?): Fair Deal (definition): 1952 election (who won? Who was vice pres?): Checkers (what it is?): Speech (I’ll give you info): Federal Highway Act (definition):
GI Bill Provided loans to veterans from WWII and Korea to boost economy and avoid a depression Encouraged them to go to college or start their own business to avoid unemployment Still available today
1948 election Truman wins Newspapers incorrect Fair Deal- Truman’s policies dealing with Cold War stuff
1952 election Eisenhower wins- military general in WWII, very popular Vice president- Richard Nixon
Nixon- Checkers speech Nixon accused of taking bribes, Eisenhower going to dump as running mate Nixon gives Checkers speech denying all illegal activity except for taking a dog (Checkers) home to his family American public loved it, saw as family man
Federal highway Act Needed to expand highway system with American economy booming Built thousands of miles of roads, encouraged people to buy cars and move to suburbs
Guided Reading Ch 14 sec 1 SIN #36 cont.- due tomorrow
truman bio eisenhower bio checkers speech truman to ford The presidents history channel