Prevention of kidney diseases Stefaniya Dobrovinskaya STOM III
Precautions for healthy person Be fit and active Balanced diet Keep your weight in check Give up smoking and tobacco products Beware of OTCs Drink lots of water Annual kidney check-up
Precautions for kidney patients Awareness about kidney diseases and early diagnosis Precautions in diabetic patient Precautions in hypertensive patients Precautions in patients with CKD Earlydiagnosisandtreatmentofpolycystickidneydisease Early diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI) in children
Precautions for kidney patients Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI) in adults Proper management of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) Do not ignore hypertension at young age Early treatment of acute kidney failure/ acute kidney injury (AKI) Cautious use of medicine Precautions in solitary kidney
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