House Bill 5 90% Rule
House Bill 5 90% Rule Mandates that a student in any grade level from kindergarten to grade 12 may not be given class credit or a final course grade unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the time the class is offered.
Loss of Credit “LOC*” Students who fall below 90% attendance will receive an “LOC*” on their semester report card, signifying the potential loss of credit due to TEC 25.092. Students may be able to recover the credit and grade by working with their campus administration and attendance committee to complete a Loss of Credit Agreement. It is important to note that HB5 does not change state truancy laws. Texas Education Code 25.094 – Failure to Attend School: An individual commits and offense if the individual fails to attend school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year or on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period.
What are the implications? The loss of credit or final course grade can impact high school class ranking, grade classification, and graduation. For elementary and middle school students, the loss of credit or final course grade can impact promotion to the next grade level. Students may be required to retake a course in which they had earned a passing grade. UIL eligibility at the start of the school year may be impacted.
New Semester Report Cards - Elementary DRAFT
New Semester Report Cards - Secondary DRAFT