HEALTH VISITOR CLINICS & SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN 0-5 YEARS CLINICS are held at the following Venues: Nether Stowey Children’s Centre (near the school) on the 1st Tuesday of the month @ 10am – 11.00am, or Cannington Health Centre on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the Month @ 10am – 11.00am The Health Visitors are happy to see Parents and Children at other times by appointment Please contact the Health Visitors on: Duty Health Visitor Number 0300 323 0116
HANDi – Paediatric Specialist Advice When and Where You Need it the Paediatric team at Musgrove Park Hospital have developed an app to provide expert support to parents/carers and medical professionals looking after children with the most common childhood illnesses: Parent/career guidance includes illness specific home assessment guidelines, signposting to the appropriate healthcare setting, and illness information. Each of the 6 common childhood illnesses has a home care plan to help parents/carers provide the best support for their child. The conditions covered are: Diarrhoea (Gastroenteritis) Chesty Baby (Bronchiolitis) Chesty Child (Wheeze and Asthma) High temperature Abdominal Pain Common newborn problems
To download HANDi for free, please use the following links: For those with an Android phone please either click - or alternatively search for HANDi Taunton on the Google Play Store. For those with an iPhone please either click- or alternatively search for HANDi Taunton on the Apple App Store.