Vancouver Public Works – Solid Waste WRRA 70th Annual Meeting Local Government Panel, June 23, 2017
Welcome to “The Couv”!
Regional System
Regional System
Public/Private Partnership
20 Years Collecting Residential Recycling Since 1992
Mixed Recycling – Glass on the side
Hauler provided recycling instructions. Emphasizing quality over quantity. Heavy use of images over written info
Clean Cart Campaign In response to the Contamination issue the County, the Cities and Waste Connections have undertaken a multi-year initiative called the Clean Cart Campaign. This is a photo from early pilot testing of the concept. Focusing on a single route, crews inspect cart contents and leave feedback about any unacceptable materials.
Clean Cart Campaign This June marked the third consecutive year of targeting 20,000 households Key messaging on glass/plastic bags – operational challenges, safety and costs Cart tag has been refined In 2015 – three sampling events took place in conjunction with cart-tagging efforts. Before the cart tagging, immediately after the cart-tagging, and 5 months later.
These are the results of the sampling of the recyclable materials from carts in the cart tagging study area. Our key messages were about plastic bags/wrap and glass so I have highlighted those items in the table. There was an overall decrease of 38% by weight of plastic bags (30% of overall unacceptable plastic) in the recycling carts after the cart tagging event and for several months afterwards.
Results from 2015 Clean Cart
Multi-Family Clean Cart Campaign High density housing becoming the “norm” in current development projects. Often combined with mixed use – commercial. In 2013 – reject rate for MF recycling increased to over 30%. Formed a task force team with the hauler/processor/county. Made changes to the trucks used for collection. Initiated a full scale enclosure upgrade: Checking for signs, labels, and color coding the carts. Assessed capacity – do the complexes have enough space? In 2015, bags and brochures were provided to each MF unit. In the course of this project we encountered about 2,500 units in our community that are being serviced by “waste valet” sorts of enterprises – we are currently working with site managers to clarify how recycling contamination can be reduced rather than increased for those using this sort of service.
New Partnership – W.R.A.P.
Bill Inserts for Campaign
Bill Inserts for Campaign
Allocation Study
Allocation Study - Residue
Recollect Service & Waste Wizard App
Join us at Esther Short Park!