Supporting Completion and Credit Achievement for AgITO Trainees New Zealand Vocational Education and Training Research Forum 2011 Heather McDonald, Anne Alkema & Justin Blaike (Heathrose Research and AgITO) 27-28 April 2011 1
BACKGROUND: Lift credit and qualification completion targets within 3 years Adhoc activities but no unified strategy Research to assist with idea generation and activities prioritisation 2
Research questions What are the primary trainee related factors associated with programme continuance and completion ? What are the primary ITO related factors and to what degree do they support trainee retention and completion? What environmental factors significantly influence trainee retention/completion? To what degree do the factors identified above influence trainee exit and non-completion? 3
METHODOLOGY Qualitative methods Informed by current research and knowledge Focus group with Training Advisors Phone interviews with trainees (text with option to opt out in advance) Small survey of employers (not completed) 4
Trainee sample selection Aimed for a sample of 75 people Focused on equal numbers of those who had: Recently completed Recently exited without completing Currently enrolled Across: Dairy (4 quals – 40 people) Sheep/Beef (1 qual – 15 people) Water (2 quals – 20 people) 5
Achieved sample 59 interviews Two to three attempts at contact made before abandoning 180+ calls Contact issues: Phone numbers incorrect, inactive Answer phones Non-response Timing/season 6
1. What’s happening at Enrolment? Employment tenure: Most in job for less than a year; a third less than 6 months Employment relationship: Vast majority get on well with the boss Training initiation: Trainees initiate Trainee factors: Enrolled in multiple quals, high mobility 7
Role of ITO & TAs Training Advisors played a strong role once trainee engaged – few suggest training. TAs: Explain the training to trainees and employers Helped work out which qualification was best Were described as helpful at answering questions In addition, 97% of trainees knew what was expected of them during the training. 8
Reasons for enrolling About half said they did not need qualifications for their job All trainees thought training would: Help them get new skills for their job Help them for future jobs All liked the idea of having a qualification for their work While 4/5 thought they would earn more as a result of getting the qualification, money was not the driving factor. 9
Key Enrolment Findings: Trainees have a belief that they can learn/ can succeed with learning and are self-determined in relation to looking to the future and a career in farming / water. Trainees see value in training Trainee mobility in farming – ease of continuing with training when move Employer less influential at getting trainees to commence training 10
On-job training: On-farm training is valued Conditions for up to a quarter of trainees could be better – i.e. chances to practise new skills on-job Time for training on-job is an issue On-job assessment needs further investigation – regularity & feedback Changing employers appears to have little impact on trainees’ perspectives about their on-job training 11
Off-job training: Trainees value off-job training Off-job training is readily: Accessible Relevant Applicable Utilised. Written work is an issue for nearly half of all trainees… 12
Issues with written work Reading and writing ESOL / language Content Learning resources Time Note, those with writing issues evenly spread across: Those who had initiated the training themselves or whether it was initiated by others Highest previous qualifications Qualifications enrolled in 13
Support: Employer really good at helping them through training Those that always get on well with their employers report it’s easier to keep going with their training than others Training Advisors Helpful in answering questions and providing advice Keeping them motivated, Helped them to think about future career options in the industry Trainees also have received good support from colleagues (87%); family (83%); and friends (78%) 14
Completing/continuing qualification & relationship with highest previous qual: Those with lower level previous quals tend to find it harder to keep going Said was hard(13) Said was easy (21) No qual 1 5th form 4 6th form 5 7th form Sub-degree Degree Not stated 2 7 15
Motivators The future (23) Skills for current job (15) Getting the qualification (15) Support (10) Enjoyment of learning / job (9) Persistence (4) Money (3) Immigration (2) Completing assessments (2)
5. What makes it difficult? Time (50) Motivation (12) Written work (10) Employer (9) Learning materials (2) Cost (2) Transport (2) Other (4) 17
Time: Long hours of work - start at 4[am] and finish at 6[pm] with 2 hour lunch Push push push of the work and totally knackered at the end of the day - When I get home from work I can't be arsed Understaffed at work so not enough time to spend on training. Time off work - time I miss on the farm to go to class; staff on farm are too under-skilled to run farm when I'm not here; My boss keen at the start - less keen when realised the time it takes I get time from the boss - but sometimes not possible Other responsibilities – family/children, juggling own paper work and farm work 18
6. CONCLUSIONS Key for trainee completions: Recognise strong motivation and ensure support structures present Time for training-on and off-job Learning materials Those who find it harder have: Lower previous qualifications Less positive employer relationship Lack time outside work to study 19
Conclusions contd. The ITO can address: Messaging to employers about: Own data records Multiple qualification enrolments/ ensuring trainee in right qualification Regularity of assessments and feedback Better matching of learning needs for learners (e.g. reading, assessments) Messaging to employers about: Value of qualifications Time required to train and practise Value of good employee relations
7. The AgITO Story… 21