Today adding parking spaces to developers is a liability The challenge is to turn this liability into an added value
People have to pay daily or monthly rates to park their cars and cannot buy parking slots for two reasons: a. Lack of availability b. High upfront disbursement
The questions addressed: How to address and solve both points mentioned here above?
How to provide something positive for the economy and a solution for traffic and parking space, especially that we are in a capitalist market driven by private sector initiatives?
How to transfer this untapped demand into a positive cycle that will incentivize the developers to build parking spaces that address the problems of circulation, pollution and safety?
A soft loan from a bank has similar impact on the end-user in terms of monthly payments with the added value of property ownership at the end
For developers, the parking space becomes a property product that can be sold and leased
Parking Cars in Beirut Difficulty of Car Parking in Beirut Beirut’s Visitors Parking their Cars Beirut’s Residents Parking Their Cars
Difficulty of Car Parking in Beirut
Beirut’s Visitors Parking Their Cars
Beirut’s Residents Parking Their Cars
Municipality of Beirut undertaking measures to include additional parking spaces 2000 parking spaces under Martyr's Square (delayed for many reasons) Acquiring 9 new properties around Beirut especially in most congested neighborhoods Those properties range between 1500 sqm and 2000 sqm to build high rise parking lots on each plot 2 parking lots were built under public schools (currently operational at full capacity)
Valet Parking Uninsured Unregistered Distrust Insecurity Park on roads
Public Parking Financing
Public Parking Financing Personal loan Furniture loan Car loan Travel loan Housing loan Fertility loan Student loan Wedding loan Dental heath loan Appliance loan Plastic surgery loan Parking loan
How to turn figure A into figure B Demand Offer Demand Offer Figure A Figure B
Figure A Analysis Existing demand No Offer One million cars in Beirut everyday Few available public parking spaces Gridlock caused by time spent looking for parking spaces Demand for secure parking spaces No Offer Lack of incentive for consumer to buy public parking No facilities offered by banks in the form of retail soft loans Lack of incentive for investor to develop parking lots for sale
Proposed Cycle Step 6 Step 4 Parking slot purchasing Step 2 Lack of consumer’s mean Step 6 Parking slot purchasing Step 2 Bank loan offers Step 5 Consumer loan Proposed Cycle Step 4 Project Implementation Step 3 Developer confidence
Benefits of Public Parking Soft Loans For consumer: Provide monthly parking subscribers with long term investment incentive Provide low interest, long term payment facilities Provide opportunity for consumer to lease purchased parking slot Provide acquired and secure parking spaces Provide long term solution for individuals
Benefits of Public Parking Soft Loans For Investor: Increase in investment opportunities Increase demand for public parking facilitated by soft loans Parking space no longer a liability for investor, rather an added value Encourage investor to build more parking spaces Provide more job opportunities Less traffic in congested neighborhoods
District S believes the solution to parking spaces is a simple formula soft loans + demand = increase in supply & purchase