Jessica McIntosh Brianna Fletcher Magnus Nixon Maria Power Matthew Watt Ross Hendry
About our group Initial group What we represent How we work
What we have been up to Bus Forum Youth engagement evening Aberdeenshire youth council Distributed surveys
Youth Bank Scotland Is an innovative grant making and empowerment initiative run by young people for the benefit of those of 11 at 25 in the community. For more information visit the Youth bank Scotland website
Vision for Aboyne Create an environment for young people to be able to bring forward ideas and project which directly benefits the local area. Give them opportunities to give back to their community
Thoughts for the future Increase our numbers in the Aboyne Youth forum Encourage the formation of more groups and clubs in the local area Involve other groups and make them aware of the our Forum and Youth Bank Scotland Aboyne to have harmony between all generations
Benefits Increase our own confidence and abilities to work as team players but also leaders An opportunity for those who want to make a change the power to do so The whole community will be a better and happier place
Our details & information Facebook page – Email – c/o Business cards availiable.