L-I-B Vital Stats LR-6 MST Eugene Wickett
Purpose Why Liberia? Where are barriers/opportunities for success?
How does Liberia compare with the rest of the world? 1 Key Indicators How does Liberia compare with the rest of the world?
In God we trust; all others must bring data.
Economic indicators
570 million USD budget 410 Million Peace Corps Budget 2017
Household income distribution, relative to Liberia as a whole LDHS 2013 Percentage of households within Liberian income quintiles County Lower 2 Quintiles Middle Quintile Upper 2 Quintiles Bomi 51.4 28.4 20.2 Bong 69.7 21.8 8.5 Gbarpolu 78.2 16 5.8 Grand Bassa 60.5 14.9 24.7 Grand Cape Mount 62.5 26.5 10.9 Grand Gedeh 64.4 24.4 11.3 Grand Kru 85.3 3.3 Lofa 72.7 19.9 7.4 Margibi 31.5 25.2 43.3 Maryland 52.3 28.6 19.1 Montserrado 4.5 10.7 84.8 Nimba 41.3 40.2 18.5 Rivercess 92.1 3.5 4.4 River Gee 18.7 8.6 Sinoe 76.4 14 9.5 Lofa Gbarpolu Grand Cape Mount Bong Nimba Bomi Margibi Grand Bassa Montserrado Grand Gedeh The proportion of a county’s population that falls in the: Rivercess Sinoe River Gee Grand Kru 570 million USD budget 410 Million Peace Corps Budget 2017 Maryland
Extremely low infrastructure POOR Extremely low infrastructure
Health indicators
HEALTH: low performance, but high potential HIGH rates of preventable death HIGH degree of healthcare sytem buy-in
Attitudes and behaviors
FAMILY PLANNING: large families desired, but extensive reproductive health needs not being met Significant GENDER GAPS to consider
LDHS 2013
Gross attendance ratios, by sex and county – primary school LDHS 2013, 5- to 24-year olds Primary school gross attendance ratios by sex, along with gender parity indices Indices statistically different (α<0.05) from gender parity denoted with an asterisk (*) County Male Female Gender Parity Index Bomi 73.9 61.6 0.834* Bong 52.3 52.6 1.006 Gbarpolu 70.5 71.4 1.013 Grand Bassa 62.6 55.7 0.900* Grand Cape Mount 60.4 65.2 1.080 Grand Gedeh 97.4 81.9 0.841* Grand Kru 81.8 90.7 1.109* Lofa 91.4 77.6 0.849* Margibi 86.8 75.8 0.873* Maryland 87.8 98.2 1.119* Montserrado 95.7 103 1.076* Nimba 83.3 83.7 1.005 Rivercess 72.2 56.2 0.778* River Gee 89.0 77.7 Sinoe 81.2 71.6 0.882* Lofa 91.4, 77.6 Gbarpolu 70.5, 71.4 Grand Cape Mount 60.4, 65.2 Nimba 83.3, 83.7 Bong 52.3, 52.6 Bomi 73.9, 61.6 Margibi 86.8, 75.8 Montserrado 95.7, 103 Grand Bassa 62.6, 55.7 Grand Gedeh 97.4, 81.9 Rivercess 72.2, 56.2 County gender parity skews: Heavily male River Gee 89.0, 77.7 Sinoe 81.2, 71.6 Slightly male Neutral Grand Kru 81.8, 90.7 Male attendance, Female attendance Slightly female Maryland 87.8, 98.2 Heavily female
Gross attendance ratios, by sex and county – secondary school LDHS 2013, 5- to 24-year olds Secondary school gross attendance ratios by sex, along with gender parity indices Indices statistically different (α<0.05) from gender parity denoted with an asterisk (*) County Male Female Gender Parity Index Bomi 49.4 55.1 1.115 Bong 27.3 16.6 0.608* Gbarpolu 31.4 9.1 0.290* Grand Bassa 32.2 25.1 0.780* Grand Cape Mount 24.0 15.6 0.650* Grand Gedeh 44.0 32.8 0.746* Grand Kru 29.5 15.1 0.512* Lofa 50.7 27.2 0.537* Margibi 54.6 27.4 0.502* Maryland 64.7 35.9 0.555* Montserrado 83.1 61.7 0.743* Nimba 34.8 34.1 0.980 Rivercess 12.4 11.3 0.911 River Gee 22.8 9.0 0.395* Sinoe 32.7 18.3 0.560* Lofa 50.7, 27.2 Gbarpolu 31.4, 9.1 Grand Cape Mount 24.0, 15.6 Nimba 34.8, 34.1 Bong 27.3, 16.6 Bomi 49.4, 55.1 Margibi 54.6, 27.4 Montserrado 83.1, 61.7 Grand Bassa 32.2, 25.1 Grand Gedeh 44.0, 32.8 Rivercess 12.4, 11.3 County gender parity skews: Very heavily male River Gee 22.8, 9.0 Sinoe 32.7, 18.3 Heavily male Slightly male Grand Kru 29.5, 15.1 Male attendance, Female attendance Neutral Maryland 64.7, 35.9 Slightly female
TEENAGE PREGNANCY FINANCIAL MEANS EDUCATION: Until pubescence, equal opportunity given to girls and boys TEENAGE PREGNANCY and FINANCIAL MEANS are critical barriers
Your child cannot toilet on your lap, then you cut your legs off Your child cannot toilet on your lap, then you cut your legs off. You just have to clean them off.