Note Taking Orientation Educational Access Center Bell Tower 1541 Office Phone Number: (805) 437-3331
Uploading Notes to DRP Online Submission of notes must be done after each class meeting on DRP Online Notes must be uploaded according to the date they were taken. If PowerPoints are being submitted, notes must be attached. If the class watched a movie, took an exam, or no notes were taken for any other reason, an email must be sent to stating the reason for not submitting notes. See example below: The correct header is needed on the e-mail sent for no notes: Class Biology 100 Section 01 Professor → Swig Date June 23, 2015 Initials JS
Ways to upload notes There are apps where you can scan notes through your phone, look on google play or the apple store for apps. If file is too large to upload on DRP Online, please convert the file to PDF or Word Doc. ** If you still need additional help, please contact our office.
How to Upload Notes on DRP Online Step 1: Click on the “Notetaker” tab and click “Upload and View Notes” under tools. Step 2: Select the correct class that you are uploading notes for. Step 3: Select the week of the semester than the notes are uploaded for. Step 4: Select the day in which the notes where taken for your class. Step 5: Click the “choose file” tab to choose the notes you want to upload. Step 6: Make sure all information is correct then click the “Upload Notes” tab.
Warnings In order to keep your position as a Note Taker you must be consistent with your note submission and must not miss more than two weeks of notes throughout the semester Throughout the semester warning e-mails will be sent out to inconsistent Note Takers. If notes have not been uploaded after the warning email, a dismissal email will then be sent out to inconsistent Note Takers. Disability Resource Programs will not issue payment to inconsistent Note Takers (as stated in the contract).
Optional Hired Note Taking This form offers you to sign up as a “Hired” note taker, allowing you to list available times that you would be willing to take notes for other classes that you are not currently enrolled in. If you are interested please contact our office. Note taker is paid $10.00/hour Notes must be typed Hired Note taker must be on ‘Direct Deposit’
Optional “Certificate of Completion Note takers may request a certificate of completion at the end of each semester showing that they have been certified as a Note Taker for the Disabilities Resource Programs If you’re interested in a certificate, you must request it a month before Finals week by emailing Only note takers who have been consistent will be eligible for a certificate of completion If you have missed more than two weeks of notes, you will not be able to request a certificate Certificates will be available for pickup during finals week