Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE. PE Department Student Expectations: Before we begin learning, please ensure that you: Are standing behind your desk in silence; Have your learning diary and pencil case on your desk; Have a smart uniform. Please be seated in SILENCE. Copy and underline today’s date and title. Thursday, 13 September 2018 LO3: The causes, types and treatment of chronic injuries
On the Bell PE and Sport Faculty Standards: Equipment out Planners on desk PE and Sport Faculty On the Bell Identify the sports these athletes participate in Describe the movements they perform in their sports How could these types of movements lead to injury? What types of injuries could this lead to? 5 mins Running, tennis, golf Repetitive movements i.e. continuously running on hard surfaces, repetitively hitting the ball using the same arm muscles, repeating the same swinging and twisting action of the arm in golf. Repetitively using the same muscles, bones and tendons can put stress on these areas Overuse injuries
Big Picture PE and Sport Faculty We have now covered all of the LO1 and LO2 content for the exam; extrinsic and intrinsic factors that can influence the risk of injury and also how warm ups and cool downs can help to prevent injuries. We are now starting LO3 – knowing how to respond to injuries in a sporting context. This will develop your knowledge of the different types, causes and treatments of injuries.
PE and Sport Faculty Thursday, 13 September 2018 Title: The causes, types and treatment of chronic injuries Lesson Outcomes: Identify the different chronic injuries Describe how different chronic injuries are caused using sporting examples Explain the different types, causes and treatment of chronic injuries, using sporting examples Analyse past exam questions on this topic area and apply your knowledge and understanding
Shin splints Fracture Preview PE and Sport Faculty Group questioning on the preview questions. All content was covered last lesson. 1. What is the difference between how these two injuries were caused? 2. Which injury is a chronic injury? Which injury is an acute injury? 3. How are chronic injuries caused? How are acute injuries caused? 4. Give me 6 different acute injuries
PE and Sport Faculty Chronic injuries This lesson we will be looking at chronic injuries including the different types, the signs and symptoms and the treatments. Identify 4 sports which would cause continuous stress to be put onto a specific part of the body: 1. 2. 3. 4. Also known as an overuse injury as a result of continuous stress on an area. Injury tends to develop over time. Students should be thinking about sports such as running, tennis, golf, weightlifting, rowing, cycling, sports that involve jumping and landing i.e. netball/basketball
Match up Task PE and Sport Faculty There are 4 different chronic injuries that we need to understand for the exam. Try to match up each type of chronic injury to its cause and signs and symptoms: Tendonitis Tennis elbow Golfers elbow Shin Splints Work in pairs to try and match these up. You should use a pencil to match them up on your worksheet. 3 mins Students may wish to attempt this in pencil first. Teacher to then go through the answers
Treatment PE and Sport Faculty Painkillers Rest All chronic injuries can be treated by using the following methods: There are other forms of treatment for some of the injuries but as these treatments apply to all, these will be the easiest to remember in your exam! Painkillers Rest Anti inflammatory tablets – reduce swelling, redness and pain
Treatment PE and Sport Faculty Tendonitis Tennis Elbow Golfers Elbow Other treatments specific to different chronic injuries: Tendonitis: ice, massage, heat packs Tennis elbow: taping, ice, heat packs Golders elbow: ice, stretching, arm brace Shin splints: wearing correct running shoes, heat packs and ice Shin splints
PE and Sport Faculty Search Create a snapchat for each chronic injury. You should include: A drawing of the location in the body that it can effect Sporting example that is linked to this injury Signs and symptoms Treatment Chat Stories
PE and Sport Faculty Chronic injuries are common in sport. Describe the cause of chronic injuries and the different types of chronic injuries in sport. Explain how these injuries may be treated. (8 marks) Ask pupils to identify and highlight the key sections of the question.
PE and Sport Faculty What content do we need to include in our answer? - Completing this process fully for 1 type of chronic injury will score between 4-6 marks How else will we gain extra marks? - Explaining 2/3 types of chronic injuries - Linking each chronic injury to its treatment and how it may have been caused in sport - Good spelling, punctuation and grammar Cause of acute injury Types Treatments chronic Link Link = 1- 3 marks = 4 - 6 marks = 7 - 8 marks
Sentence starters: One type of chronic injury is…… The signs and symptoms of this type of injury are…. This injury is caused by ……. (also use sporting example) This injury can be treated by……
PE and Sport Faculty Feedback: __/8 WWW… EBI… Mark your partners answer: Feedback: __/8 WWW… EBI… NB: if they have achieved full marks, write 2 WWW’s!
PE and Sport Faculty Exit note: To exit the room you must write down 2 things you have learned during the lesson and 1 things that you would like to develop your knowledge about.