Long Essay Question (LEQ) By Jeff Anderson
LEQ Overview Students will choose one of two long essay questions to answer in writing. The long essay requires that students demonstrate their ability to use historical evidence in crafting a thoughtful historical argument. Students will analyze an issue using the historical thinking skills of COMPARISON, CAUSATION, CONTINUITY & CHANGE, or PERIODIZATION. As with any good essay, a good response begins with the development of a relevant THESIS. In the rest of the essay, students should provide evidence in a manner that is convincing, thoughtful, and built on a sound knowledge of historical information relevant to the topic.
LEQ Overview
LEQ Structure Thesis Body Paragraph #1 Body Paragraph #2 Synthesis Conclusion
Makeup of LEQ The LEQ will measure your understanding of one of four Historical Thinking Skills: Comparison Causation Change and Continuity Over Time (CCOT) Periodization
Comparison (Description) Historical thinking involves the ability to identify, compare, and evaluate multiple perspectives on a given historical event in order to draw conclusions about that event Historical thinking also involves the ability to describe, compare, and evaluate multiple historical developments across or between different societies, and in various chronological and geographical contexts
Comparison (Expectations) Compare diverse perspectives represented in primary and secondary sources in order to draw conclusions about one or more historical events Compare different historical individuals, events, developments, and/or processes, analyzing both similarities and differences in order to draw historically valid conclusions Comparisons can be made across different time periods, across different geographical locations, and between different historical events or developments within the same time period and/or geographic location
Comparison You must state 1 Similarity and 1 Difference Your essay will have one paragraph on Similarity and one on Difference Each paragraph will contain 3 pieces of evidence and analysis on 2 of those pieces of evidence
A B A B were similar in the way that they… were different in the way that they…
Causation (Description) Historical thinking involves the ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate the relationships among historical causes and effects, distinguishing between those that are long term and proximate. Historical thinking also involves the ability to distinguish between causation and correlation, and an awareness of contingency, the way that historical events result from a complexity of factors that come together in unpredictable ways and often have unanticipated consequences.
Causation (Expectations) Explain long- and/or short-term causes and/or effects of a historical event, development, or process. Evaluation the relative significance of different causes and/or effects on historical events or processes, distinguishing between causation and correlation and showing an awareness of historical contingency.
Causation Depending on the question, you must State 2 Causes State 2 Effects State 1 Cause and 1 Effect Your essay will have: Two paragraphs on Cause Two paragraphs on Effect One paragraph on Cause and one on Effect Each paragraph will contain 3 pieces of evidence and analysis on 2 of those pieces of evidence
Causes Effects Causes AND Effects A Event Event A B B C C A Event A B
Change and Continuity (Description) Historical thinking involves the ability to recognize, analyze, and evaluate the dynamics of historical continuity and change over periods of time of varying length, as well as the ability to relate these patterns to larger historical processes or themes.
Continuity and Change (Expectations) Identify patterns of continuity and change over time and explain the significance of such patterns. Explain how patterns of continuity and change over time relate to larger historical processes or themes.
CCOT You must state 1 Change and 1 Continuity Your essay will have one paragraph on Change and one on Continuity Each paragraph will contain 3 pieces of evidence and analysis on 2 of those pieces of evidence
Snap Shot A Snap Shot B Changes Continuities
Periodization (Description) Historical thinking involves the ability to describe, analyze, and evaluate different ways that historians divide history into discrete and definable periods. Historians conduct and debate different, sometimes competing models of periodization; the choice of specific turning points or starting and ending dates might accord a higher value to one narrative, region, or group than to another.
Periodization (Expectations) Explain ways historical events and processes can be organized into discrete, different, and definable historical periods. Evaluate whether a particular event or date could or could not be a turning point between different, definable historical periods, when considered in terms of particular historical evidence. Analyze different and/or competing models of periodization.
Periodization Also known as the “Turning Point” essay Combo of CCOT and COMP essay Describe how things were BEFORE the turning point Describe how things were AFTER the turning point MUST take a stand Show or explain the limits of the impact of the turning point. It didn’t change everything Why was this NOT a turning point?
Different from and Similar to Life Before Event Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Different from and Similar to Life Before Event Different from and Similar to Life After Event Event
LEQ Rubric
Introductory Paragraph Must state your THESIS in your introductory paragraph Intro paragraph will have: An Over-Arching Sentence (OAR) where you will specifically address the question If CCOT, you MUST state the time period and region Will state two “Details” sentences that will serve as the topic sentences for your body paragraphs Should be done in 3-4 sentences
Body Paragraphs Topic Sentence Evidence Analyze (Why Factor) Simply re-write your “Details Sentence” from the Intro Paragraph Evidence State three pieces of factual evidence that support your Thesis Use phrases like “For example…” OR “Such as…” OR “Like…” Analyze (Why Factor) Explain the reason for similarities/differences, causes/effects, changes/continuities Use causation terms like “Due to…” OR “A reason that…” OR “Because of…”
Sample Question Using specific examples, analyze causes of imperial expansion and consolidation between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E.. Type of Essay? Causation
Pre-Writing Using specific examples, analyze causes of imperial expansion and consolidation between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E..
Pre-Writing Brainstorm everything you can think of regarding the topic From the brainstorming, you hopefully will start to see patterns from which you can start to develop your thesis
Thesis Paragraph Prompt: Using specific examples, analyze causes of imperial expansion and consolidation between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E.. Over-Arching Sentence: Between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E., empires like Rome and China were able to expand and consolidate due to use of religions and belief systems to control and order their society, as well as complex governmental structures that centralized their authority.
Details Sentences “Details” sentences provide a little bit more information on your topics They will serve as the topic sentences for your body paragraphs
Details Sentences Detail Sentence #1 The Chinese and Roman governments used belief systems and religions like Confucianism and Christianity to validate their authority. Detail Sentence #2 These empires also used centralizing forms of government like imperial rule and bureaucracies to expand and consolidate their control.
Putting it all together… Between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E., empires like Rome and China were able to expand and consolidate due to use of religions and belief systems to control and order their society, as well as complex governmental structures that centralized their authority. The Chinese and Roman governments used belief systems and religions like Confucianism and Christianity to validate their authority. These empires also used centralizing forms of government like imperial rule and bureaucracies to expand and consolidate their control.
Body Paragraphs Use the “Details” sentences as the topic sentences for your body paragraphs Between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E., empires like Rome and China were able to expand and consolidate due to use of religions and belief systems to control and order their society, as well as complex governmental structures that centralized their authority. The Chinese and Roman governments used belief systems and religions like Confucianism and Christianity to validate their authority. These empires also used centralizing forms of government like imperial rule and bureaucracies to expand and consolidate their control. The Chinese and Roman governments used belief systems and religions like Confucianism and Christianity to validate their authority.
Body Paragraphs Evidence Analyze (Why Factor) Suggestion State three pieces of factual evidence that support your Thesis Use phrases like “For example…” OR “Such as…” OR “Like…” Analyze (Why Factor) Explain the reason for similarities/differences, causes/effects, changes/continuities Use causation terms like “Due to…” OR “A reason that…” OR “Because of…” Suggestion Look at your pre-writing and try to incorporate the specifics that you wrote down in your brainstorming