Dancing the Orient for England: Maud Allan’s The Vision of Salome By Amy Koritz Presentation by Kasey Clark and Edited By: Laura Pratt and Dr. Kay Picart
Key Terms Orientalism- __________________________________________________________________________________________ Imperialism- __________________________________________________________________________________________ Separate-Spheres Gender Ideology- __________________________________________________________________________________________
Allan’s Typical Audience What were English audiences like? How was “otherness” looked at?
Maud Allan famous barefoot dancer in the early 20th century often compared to Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis best known for her portrayal of the woman who calls for the head of John the Baptist in The Vision of Salome
The Dance What is a Salome dance?
??Discussion Question?? Do you think Maud Allan was conscious of how innovative her dance was in making a hypocritical audience crave what they feared most? Or do you think she really actually valued separate spheres ideologies imposed on her? How far ahead of her time can a woman be when such social trappings are so closely associated with gender and class?
Works Cited Imperialism. 26 March, 2005. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.26 March, 2005. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperialism. Koritz, Amy. “Dancing the Orient for England: Maud Allan’s The Vision of Salome”. Meaning in Motion. Desmond, Jane C., ed., Duke University Press,1997. “Les Artistes Exécutantes: Maud Allen.” Online Image. Herstory:Une Exposition. 26 March, 2005. http://library.usask.ca/herstory/allenfr.html. “Maud Allen.” Online Image. Gilded Serpent.com. 26 March, 2005. http://www.gildedserpent.com/articles26/najiaqueenofdance.htm. Thierer, Joyce and Miles, Lisa. April 1993.Emporia State University, Center for Great Plains Studies. 26 March, 2005. http://www.emporia.edu/cgps/tales/a93tales.htm.