Test Soft Bake (SB) and Post Exposure Bake (PEB) SU-8 Testing (v1b) Thin SU8 on glass slide Test Soft Bake (SB) and Post Exposure Bake (PEB)
“Control” Recipe Spin Coating: 10s @ 500rpm; 30s @ 2000rpm (expected thickness?) Soft Bake (SB): 60s @ 93°C Exposure: 8s @ 275 W PEB: 60s @ 93°C Develop: 4min in SU8 developer SU8 developer rinse IPA rinse/Nitrogen Dry
1st Set of Tests 4 samples; 8 devices/sample 4 Wells (W)+4 Blanks (B)/sample S1: “Control”: Misaligned (Top contacts don’t fully overlap guide circles on bottom. This could result in the top contact not covering the well); All shorted; R(W) ~8.6Ω; R(B)~10Ω Test Parameters: SB (RT Evap for 30min) and Vary PEB time @ 60°C? S2: 8min PEB: R(W)=(2.7±0.8)Ω; R(B)=11MΩ±0; C(B) = 15 ±.1 pF S3: 13min PEB: R(W)=(4.9±?)Ω; R(B=(5.6±7.7)MΩ; C(B)=17 ±.5? S4: 15min PEB: R(W)=(3.8±1)Ω; R(B)=(11±0)MΩ; C(B)=? ±? Cracking patterns seen in S2, S3, S4 Need to get stats
2nd set of test samples Summary 2 “Controls” Test Parameters: 1 min PEB @ 93°C and Vary SB time @ 60°C SB: 2.5 min SB: 5 min Too Many Controls
2nd Test Results “Control 1” S5 Device Capacitance(pF) Resistance(Ω) Type 1 -1 29.4 B 2 0.5 W 3 9.38 3.7x10^6 4 24 5 6 7 421 8 17 Summary: W: 4/4 Shorted B: 3/4 Shorted R(Well): (12.1 ± 10) Ω Excluding #3 R(Blank): (158± 230) Ω Blank Capacitance: 9.38 pF
“Control 2” S6 Device Capacitance(pF) Resistance(Ω) Type 1 Damaged (Too High Voltage) 9.7 4.6x10^6 W 2 9.33 8.3x10^6 B 3 Damaged (Too High Voltage) 9.61 3.04x10^5 4 9.4 1.05x10^7 5 -1 142 6 9.25 1.1x10^7 7 46 8 10.3 12000 Summary: W: 2/4 Shorted (2 Damaged by applying too high a voltage) B: 0/4 Shorted R(Well): (94± 68) Ω; C(Blank): (9.57± 0.5) pF
2.5min SB S7 Device Capacitance(pF) Resistance(Ω) Type 1 -1 13.4 W 2 428 B 3 10.8 4 294 5 3.7 6 5.7 7 4.1 8 11.6 Summary: All Shorted R(Blank): 184.8± 211Ω R(Well): 8± 4.9Ω
5min SB S8 Device Capacitance(pF) Resistance(Ω) Type 1 -1 4.8 W 2 16 B 3 1.9 4 44 5 4.3 6 Error? - 7* 15.16 1.76 8 15.25 0.57x10^6 Summary: W: 3/4 Shorted (why not 4/4?) B: 3/4 Shorted R(Blank): (30± 20)Ω (#8 excluded) R(Well): (3.7± 1.6) Ω 7*: Remeasured and same effect ignored in the average. Strange that there is a Capacitance and low Resistance, Remeasured C and still high
“Control 2” 20x
“Control 2” 100x
“Control1” 100x
2.5min SB 100x
5min SB 100x
S9 Device Capacitance(pF) Resistance(Ω) Type 1 -1 W 2 B 3 12 4 19 5 6 7 8 20 Back Contact Broken no Resistances Measured Capacitances W: 2/4 Shorted B: 1/4 Shorted Avg Capacitance Well: 19.3± 0.6pF
S10 Device Capacitance(pF) Resistance(Ω) Type 1 -1 4.5 W 2 18 B 3 6.7 121 5 3.9 6 127 7 8 118 Summary: W: 4/4 Shorted B: 4/4 Shorted Avg Well Resistance: 5.0± 1.2Ω Avg Blank Resistance: 96± 52Ω Double Exposed (16s)