He Reconciled the World Exalting Christ He Reconciled the World
“He Reconciled the World” Col. 1:19-23
Col 1:19-23 1:19 It was the Father’s good pleasure
Col 1:19-23 1:19 It was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fulness to dwell in Him
Col 1:19-23 1:19 It was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fulness to dwell in Him 1:20 Through Him to reconcile all things
Col 1:19-23 1:19 It was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fulness to dwell in Him 1:20 Through Him to reconcile all things to HIMSELF
Col 1:19-23 1:19 It was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fulness to dwell in Him 1:20 Through Him to reconcile all things to HIMSELF having made peace through the blood of His Cross
Col 1:19-23 1:19 It was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fulness to dwell in Him 1:20 Through Him to reconcile all things to HIMSELF having made peace through the blood of His Cross through Him … whether things on earth or things in heaven
Col 1:19-23 1:21 …you were formerly alienated
Col 1:19-23 1:21 …you were formerly alienated hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds
Col 1:19-23 1:21 …you were formerly alienated hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds 1:22 Yet he has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death
Col 1:19-23 1:21 …you were formerly alienated hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds 1:22 Yet he has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death in order to present you before Him holy blameless beyond reproach
Col 1:19-23 1:23 If you continue in the faith firmly established steadfast not moved away from
Col 1:19-23 1:23 If you continue in the faith firmly established steadfast not moved away from the HOPE of the Gospel that you have heard
Col 1:19-23 1:23 If you continue in the faith firmly established steadfast not moved away from the HOPE of the Gospel that you have heard which was proclaimed to all creation under heaven…
Col 1:19-23 Conclusion: Have you heard? Not just the words but the message?
Col 1:19-23 Conclusion: Have you heard? Not just the words but the message? What are you trusting in today?
Col 1:19-23 Conclusion: Have you heard? Not just the words but the message? What are you trusting in today? The only correct answer is The Blood of Christ and His resurrection