Planting Science Project Gabrielle, Jewel, Simone
Brief Introduction A plant that is watered with sugar water is going to grow more then a plant watered with regular water because there are more nutrients for the plant to hold on to than another regular watered plant. We decided to place the two different plants in two locations to see the outcomes. One of the locations was a Greenhouse and the other was an UV light.
Problem/Research Question We had three research questions before we did the project. What would happen if we grew sunflowers and in one of the pots we water it with regular water and in the other we mix water with 2 tablespoons of sugar ? Would the sugar water plant grow faster ? Would the regular water plant grow slower ?
Research Prediction The sugar water plant would grow faster because there's more nutrients(glucose) going into the sugar plant and the regular water plant would grow closely behind because it will have a lower glucose level.
PICTURES The regular water plant under that sat under the UV light during the whole experiment. Sugar water plant that sat under the UV light during the whole experiment. Regular water plant that sat outside in the greenhouse during the whole experiment.
Location/What it was watered with. Watered with Sugar Water . Watered with regular Tap water. Green House No growth. Mold was formed during Week 1. No growth. Mold was formed during Week 2. UV White Light Grew A lot of inches in the last 3 Weeks. Sugar water plant that sat outside in the greenhouse during the whole experiment.
RAW DATA CHART Plant growth of the sugar and water plants week 1 RAW DATA CHART Plant growth of the sugar and water plants week 1 week 2 week 3 S Plant UV 0 in S Plant L R Plant UV 1 in 3 in 6 in R Plant L