Overview of the LINAC12 conference


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the LINAC12 conference Alexander Gerbershagen and Jürgen Pfingstner 19th of September 2012

5. Light sources

Overview of Light sources Rings: 1st generation light sources: SR just byproduct 2nd generation light sources: dedicated rings to create SR 3rd generation light sources: strong use of undulators 4th gen. light sources: Everything that exceeds performance of 3rd gen. LINAC: FEL (undulator): Emission SASE-FEL (microbunching): Emission Recent and future activities: Laser-seeded FEL (FERMI@electra) XFEL oscillators Energy recovery linacs (ERL) Use of RF-cavities as undulators

Overview of light sources cont. (TU2A01)

Applications of synchrotron light Medical applications: to cut tissue Military applications: anti aircraft and missile system Surface processing and machining Diffraction imaging: already several Nobel prices using FELs

Status of LCLS and the European Light Source (TU2A03, MO1A02) European XFEL: DESY Will surpass the performance of LCLS: 0.05-6nm light Successor of FLASH SASE-FEL Also X-FELO in discussion Currently under construction Three undulator systems Start of commissioning summer 2015 LCLS: SLAC Most powerful FEL currently Hard X-rays: 0.15-15nm Upgrade of LCLS to LCLS-II 2 new beams to increase the number of users served also improved performance (1fs pulse length, wider X-ray range) Planed start of operation 2019

X-ray FEL Oscillator (XFELO, TU2A02) XFELO can be build shorter than SASE-FELs The temporal coherence is much better e-beam charge can be lower and bunch length longer, CW Average Brightness very high Not realised yet R&D issues are components as mirrors that can work in the X-ray regime

Linac-based laser Compton scattering X-ray and gamma-ray sources (WE1A05) Use the scattering of laser photons with and electron beam from an linac to create X-ray photons Not as short wavelengths as modern FELs, but much more compact and portable. With the changing of the properties of the electron beam and the laser, the properties of the scattered photons can be changed, e.g. polarization.

ERL-based light source challenges (WE1A01) Discussion about future challenges Some designs shown Can also be combined with X-FELO Principle can also be used for Lepton-Hadron colliders (eRHIC and LHeC)

High-field short-period microwave undulators (WE2A03) The wavelength of an FEL with undulator is given by: With permanent magnet cannot be reduced very much anymore. Use instead of alternating magnetic field an RF cavity RF undulator requires very high EM fields which causes many problems for the design of the cavity A cavity design was shown

6. Proton and Ion accelerators

Overview of Activities (MO1A01, TU1A02, FR1A03, …) High intensity proton and ion beams: intensity frontier research Project X (Fermilab) MW proton beam that will be used for different exper. Neutrino physics, physics of rare processes , nuclear studies SAREF (Soreq, Israel) Adjoined to Soreq Nuclear Research Center (SNRC) Fast neutron source Enrich uranium and transmutation of long- lived radioactive waste Radioactive ion beams: nuclear research, comparable to ISOLDE Californium Rare Ion Breeder Upgrade (CARIBU) at ANL ATLAS facility

7. Other new developments

Injection schemes for plasma wakefield acceleration (MO2A01) Scheme a: Self injection Works in Bubble regime Black: electron evacuation Yellow: electron accumulation Some of the electrons get trapped and accelerated Scheme b: Colliding laser pulses Less non-linear wake than Bubble regime An injection laser pulse collides with the drive pulse and creates beatwave. Electrons are pre-accelerated and some are trapped and accelerated Properties of electron beam can be varied by laser beams

Advances in Photonic and Metamaterial RF-structures (TU3A02) Photonic band gap structures support only very narrow frequency band HOM are strongly reduced Acceleration gradients up to 100 MV/m, Q > 109 In research Metamaterial RF-structure Periodic structure with conductors worked in Creates ε < 0 and μ < 0 Different EM properties than in nature Planed to be used for wakefield reduction in structures and for couplers

Acceleration/Deceleration of slow neutrons (MO3A04) Measurement of neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) could reveal physics beyond the standard model High intensity neutron beams needed Problem: Energy spread of ultra cold neutrons (UCN) expands beam Re-bunching was demonstrated, where fast neutrons were decelerated and slow ones accelerated Energy of neutrons is changed by flipping magnetic dipole spin with RF wave in static magnetic field.

Electron beam current-profile shaping via transverse-to-longitudinal phase-space exchange (TU3A04) Using double dog leg to exchange transversal and long. phase space By shaping transverse profile with filter, many different long profiles can be created. Applications: bunching for FELs and triangular shape for wakefield acceleration.

Thanks for the attention!