The impératif (imperative) is a French “mood” (which indicates how a speaker feels toward the action of the verb). This mood is used to: * Give a command * Express a desire * Offer advice * Recommend something * Make a request Example: Fermez la porte! (Close the door) Mangeons maintenant. (Let’s eat now) The impératif is often used to make a polite request: M’attendez s’il vous plaît. Please wait for me. Veuillez m’excuser. Please excuse me. Make note that the subject pronoun is NOT used with the imperative – it is understood.
Formation of the imperative * The imperative has only 3 forms for every verb: tu (for use with family, friends and animals) vous (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss, or more than one person) nous (suggestions to a group including yourself – let’s….) * These conjugations are very simple and come from the present tense indicative of each verb. Regular AND irregular –IR and –RE verbs are the same as the present tense, minus the subject: Finis tes devoirs! (Finish your homework!) Finissez vos examens. (Finish your tests.) PLURAL Finissons les dîners. (Let’s finish our dinner.) Attends! (Wait!) Attendez une seconde. (Wait a second.) Attendons l’autobus. (Let’s wait for the bus.)
The imperative of regular AND irregular –ER verbs (as well as verbs like ouvrir and souffrir) are as follows: nous and vous forms are the same as the present tense indicative. The tu form drops the final “s” <tu manges mange! Example: parler Parle français! (Speak French!) INFORMAL Parlez en haut! (Speak up!) PLURAL / FORMAL Parlons anglais maintenant. (Let’s speak English now.) suggestion including MYSELF Example: regarder Regarde ce film avec moi. (Watch this movie with me.) Regardez ce film. (Watch this movie) PLURAL Regardons ce film. (Let’s watch this movie) group including ME!!
Negative Commands… To make a command negative, just place “NE” (or N’) in front of the verb, and the correct negative adverb (pas, jamais, personne, rien, etc.) after the verb. Example: N’attends pas pour moi. (Don’t wait for me) Ne faites jamais de natation en hiver (Never swim in the winter.) Ne cherchons rien ici. (Let’s not look for anything here.) Irregular Verbs in the Imperative… Of course there has to be some exception to this rule – or it wouldn’t be French! There are only 4 irregular verbs in the imperative: avoir, être, savoir, vouloir avoir: aie, ayez, ayons être: sois, soyez, soyons savoir: sache, sachez, sachons vouloir: veuille, veuillez (no NOUS form here)
Le fin!