Women’s leadership in regional Australia
Aims: To make visible the varied leadership roles women in regional Australia have taken on; To reflect on the reasons for women’s relative absence from formal leadership roles.
Women employed in regional Australia, by location In agriculture In other industries Total % not in agriculture Metropolitan 13 757 2 567 780 2 581 537 99.5 Inner regional 33 943 675 611 709 554 95.2 Outer regional 39 381 394 391 433 772 90.9 Remote 8 865 53 538 62 403 85.8 Very remote 4 121 27 346 31 467 86.9 100 067 3 718 666 3 818 733 2.6
Women employed in regional Australia, by occupation Occupational group % employed women in each occupation Managers & administrators 7.6 Professionals 18.2 Associate Professionals 11.8 Tradespersons & related workers 3.6 Advanced clerical & service workers 6.5 Intermediate clerical, sales & service workers 24.4 Intermediate production & transport workers 2.4 Elementary clerical, sales & service workers 14.1 Labourers & related workers 9.5 Inadequately described/not stated 2.0
Enterprising women in regional Australia (Still and Simmons, 2005) 17% regional women reported that a key motivation for their start up decision was to bring their experience and qualifications to their community. Their business activities are diverse and often deliver the only service-type functions in small communities.
Women on regional boards Rural and regional bodies % women members % women CEOs Agricultural commodity councils 9 Research & development corporations 16 Rural representative bodies 13 2 Agricultural companies 7 Regional development boards 25 Area consultative committees 28 20 Catchment management authorities 26 15
Women’s absence from formal leadership roles in regional Australia Despite their broad employment experiences, regional women remain ‘invisible’; Their businesses are not valued; They are allowed access to those bodies that are low status and with limited resources;
Conclusion Leadership in regional Australia continues to reinforce the ‘naturalness’ of men in formal positions of authority and women in subordinate positions.