Quality Assurance System Field Service Automation Understanding QAS© for the End Use Customer Quality Assurance System Field Service Automation
Quality Assurance System is: Sunburst Chemicals Quality Assurance System is: A web + mobile computer/smart phone software program which automates operational management processes through electronic service reporting capabilities. This system enhances customer relationships through improved open communications, and real-time reporting.
SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE OUR MISSION: To be the best service channel in the industry by providing superior customer service, leveraging information technology and communications SUNBURST CHEMICALS QAS SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE COMMUNICATION LEVERAGE TECHNOLOGY
Quality Assurance System What We’ve Done: We’ve gained Web-based hosting capabilities to provide an innovative and accessible program for use in the field Sunburst Chemicals Quality Assurance System (Also known as the Vektr app) =
Measure Report Plan Improve Custom Reports Inspections Periodic Tasks Sunburst Quality Assurance System© (QAS) includes : Inspections - Highlight problem areas & spot trends. Results are available over the web to appropriate supervisors, managers, customers and others. Periodic tasks are infrequent tasks that can be hard to control. We give you a simple and comfortable way to schedule, communicate and follow up on periodic tasks using flexible and effective calendars & automated work orders generated around the scheduling of these tasks. Work Orders can be generated from a customer complaint, a deficiency noted during an Operating Compliance, Safety, or Quality inspection, a scheduled periodic task, or an extra work request. We help you manage, track and communicate work orders so important tasks get done on time. Customizable reporting features allow you to analyze different operational performances from several perspectives. This reporting system offers you the ability to focus on an individual area or global perspective of Operational Compliance, Safety Concerns, or Quality Assurance, throughout all or any segment of your organization. Sunburst Quality Assurance System© (QAS) Inspections Measure Custom Reports Report Periodic Tasks Plan Work Orders Improve
What is Gained by using Sunburst Chemicals QAS© : BUSINESS AUTOMATION No longer having to send in and have reports entered manually! VERSUS
FIELD SERVICE ENHANCEMENT What is Gained: FIELD SERVICE ENHANCEMENT Improve Sales Technician Efficiency Sales Technicians no longer need to keep, manage and file their service reports. Service reports are relatively quick and easy to fill out. Once reports are synchronized, customers receive the service report through email.
ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE What You Gain: ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE Demonstrated ability to enhance service to End User Thorough check list for each service call - must go through the list Step by Step service call instructions provided Customer signature required- ensures customer connection Customer receives copy of inspection for their records and follow up Ability to pull old service reports to review with customer on demand
ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE What You Gain: ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE Demonstrated ability to meet service frequency commitments Service visit reports are put into the system as they are done (real time) Reporting capability allows to be able to summarize service reports by location over a period of time
ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE What You Gain: ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE Ability to report on service issues identified as a result of service visits conducted - Data scoring capability and implementation - Custom reports that provide insight into service issues identified and resolved.
ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE What You Gain: ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE Assure consistent implementation of Sunburst Service across all locations - Customer specific service reports with specific instructions for that customer - Service reports on file in real time and easily accessible by Sunburst and by the customer.
ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE What You Gain: ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE Ability for the customer or service provider to go online themselves and see service reports and run summary reports
SUNBURST QAS© IMPLEMENTATION Multiple Platform Flexibility Smart phones via free app Instantly commits inspections in real-time once synchronized (requires active internet connection) Web Based www.sunburstchemicalsqas.com using the same log in as the app Printable Paper Checklist
Easy Access In the Field: Smart Phones/Laptop/Tablets/Web Optimizes user capabilities Uploads completed Inspections when synched through Wifi or network carrier connection Inspection emails mails dispatched in real time Picture attachment capability Wouldn’t you like to have your field technicians reporting capabilities be that efficient?
Contact your Sunburst Rep or email QUESTIONS ABOUT USING SUNBURST CHEMICALS QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM FOR SERVICE REPORTING? Contact your Sunburst Rep or email techsupport@sunburstchemicals.com You can also ask about using this system for your own company’s service reporting features, called being a Group Admin!