A Little One Shall Become A Thousand..... ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday May 28th, 2017
You won’t want to miss this powerful and impactful series! New Preaching Series Join Pastor Frieson next Sunday as he continues his new preaching/teaching series entitled “Biblical Finances”. You won’t want to miss this powerful and impactful series!
Have a safe & blessed summer! Church Announcement Reminder A friendly reminder that there will be no Power 15 with Pastor Frieson, Thrive Empowerment Call, Believers Night Bible Study, or GOPCC United Prayer call until September. Have a safe & blessed summer!
You can send invites from our website at www.generationofpraise.org June is Friends Month! Each one can reach one! Reach out to your friends and invite them to worship with you this month at GOPCC! You can send invites from our website at www.generationofpraise.org 6
All Disciples are encouraged to join our Pastor and register to attend the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International Conference 2017 in Orlando, Florida! The conference is from June 26th – June 30th. Registration costs are $49 per adult, $29 per young adult (18-25), $19 per youth (12-17) and $9.99 per children (5-11). Children ages (0-4) are free. The cost will increase on June 1st. For more information please see a team member of our administration staff or log on to www.fullgospelconference.org today. See you there!
Generation of Praise welcomes our Pastor of Leadership Development Today’s Message Generation of Praise welcomes our Pastor of Leadership Development Pastor Robert George! He will be bringing forth the Word of God today. Let us give him a warm Generation of Praise welcome!
Weekly Announcements Please submit any church ministry related announcements to be considered in the weekly announcements by Tuesday at 3:00 PM to Minister Monique Hagans or Sis. Jamie Adams at: Monique.Hagans@generationofpraise.org Jamie.Adams@generationofpraise.org PASTORAL MINISTRY MEETINGS & REQUESTS Please coordinate all requested meetings with Pastor Frieson through Sis. Detris Dickens at: Detris.Dickens@generationofpraise.org
Connect With Us Sunday Morning Intercessory Prayer Service – 10:05am Sunday Worship Service – 10:15am Believers Night Bible Study – We will resume in September For more information regarding our church, ministry event announcements, and online giving opportunities please log onto: www.GENERATIONOFPRAISE.ORG Tell a friend to connect with us on Facebook and we welcome you to follow us on twitter.
(Deuteronomy 1:6-7 - NKJV) You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey…. (Deuteronomy 1:6-7 - NKJV)