Graphing Calculator Troubleshooting Guide
Having Problems? If you are having problems making your calculator work, please scroll through the following pages for some hints, or use the list below to go directly to a specific solution. I can’t turn it on! (Pages 3-5) I can’t turn it off! (Page 6) ERR: Syntax (Pages 7-9) ERR: INVALID DIM (Pages 10-11) ERR: WINDOW RANGE (Page 12) I can’t get out of this screen! (Pages 13-15) Other Problems?
I can’t turn it on! (Pt1) Blank Screen of Doom! Check the batteries Are the batteries in the right way? (positive end toward the flat side, negative end towards the spring) Remove and replace the batteries or adjust how they sit in the compartment. Sometimes, things get knocked out of place and you don’t get a good connection. If you have a spare set of AAA’s, try them out. If they still don’t work then you have a different problem.
I can’t turn it on! (Pt2) Blank Screen of Doom! Adjust the contrast The calculator might be turning on just fine, but you won’t be able to see anything if someone turned the contrast all the way down. To adjust the contrast press and release the “2nd’ key and then press and hold the up or down arrow (up = darker, down = lighter). Menu
I can’t turn it on! (Pt3) Blank Screen of Doom! Check/Replace the back-up battery Warning, if you remove this battery you run the risk of losing all data and programs on your calculator. Don’t mess with this battery unless you have tried everything else and are sure that you don’t need anything that is on the calculator. To replace this battery, unscrew the small compartment above the AAA batteries. This is one of those annoying “coin” batteries – you probably won’t have the right kind lying around the house. Menu
I can’t turn it off! This is an easy fix! Before you reach for a hammer, Press “2nd” and “On”. Note: Your calculator will shut off automatically after a while, but your batteries will last longer if you turn it off for yourself whenever you aren’t using it. Menu
ERR: Syntax (pt1) There are several different reasons why you might see this message. If this happens, choose 2: Goto and the calculator will show you where the error is coming from. Some of the most likely culprits include: Using the wrong negative symbol. When you do math by hand a negative sign usually means the same thing as a minus sign, but it doesn’t mean the same thing to a graphing calculator. Use the white, “(-)” key when you want a negative. Use the grey, “-” key when you want to subtract.
ERR: Syntax (pt2) There are several different reasons why you might see this message. If this happens, choose 2: Goto and the calculator will show you where the error is coming from. Some of the most likely culprits include: Did you start a set of parenthesis but not finish them?
ERR: Syntax (pt3) There are several different reasons why you might see this message. If this happens, choose 2: Goto and the calculator will show you where the error is coming from. Some of the most likely culprits include: Did you put something in the wrong order? (Like putting the exponent symbol before the number or the number before the square root? Unlike basic calculators, you should enter everything into a graphing calculator in the same order that it would appear on paper. If you don’t you’ll get errors or wrong answers.) Menu
ERR: INVALID DIM (pt1) This can theoretically happen for several different reasons but I’ve only seen it happen for one reason: Your calculator is trying to graph a stat-plot and an equation at the same time. If you want to graph an equation: Press “2nd”, “y=“, and set all stat plots to OFF.
ERR: INVALID DIM (pt2) This can theoretically happen for several different reasons but I’ve only seen it happen for one reason: Your calculator is trying to graph a stat-plot and an equation at the same time. If you want to graph a stat-plot, press “y=“ and clear any equations. Menu
ERR: WINDOW RANGE You will get this error if you have set the graphing window to something silly. (Like XMIN: 100, XMAX: -1. The XMIN value should be LESS than the XMAX value, not more). To fix the problem, press “Window” and correct the values or press “Zoom” and choose your favorite option (Option 6 sets the default -10 to 10 window). Menu
I can’t get out of this screen! (pt1) Thank you for installing the Infinite Happy Face Program®! Your calculator will now be frozen on this screen… FOREVER! Most of the time, some combination of the “Quit” button (2nd & Mode) and the “Clear” button will get you out of a program or screen. A couple of other hints: Look for “soft keys”. Some programs display “keys” at the bottom of the screen. Operate these keys using the grey keys that are right beneath them. Ex: Press a key on the far left using the “y=“ key.
I can’t get out of this screen! (pt2) Thank you for installing the Infinite Happy Face Program®! Your calculator will now be frozen on this screen… FOREVER! Most of the time, some combination of the “Quit” button (2nd & Mode) and the “Clear” button will get you out of a program or screen. A couple of other hints: If nothing else is working, and you don’t mind losing some data, press the “MEM” key (2nd and +). For a milder, but less effective approach, choose “Reset”, “Defaults”. To clear EVERYTHING off your calculator, choose “Reset, All”.
I can’t get out of this screen! (pt3) Thank you for installing the Infinite Happy Face Program®! Your calculator will now be frozen on this screen… FOREVER! Most of the time, some combination of the “Quit” button (2nd & Mode) and the “Clear” button will get you out of a program or screen. A couple of other hints: You can also try removing and replacing the batteries. Just like the MEM options, however, only do this if you are desperate and don’t mind losing everything on your calculator! Menu
Other Problems? Here are a couple of links that might help. TI-83/84 Troubleshooting @ TI-84+ For Dummies Cheatsheet TI-84+ Silver Guidebook from Texas Instruments Also, remember Mr. Poole can answer questions too! Menu