Matthew 21:23-27 It is important to determine the source of authority. Jesus followed established authority. In matters of religion there are on two sources of authority—human or divine. Only Divine authority is true authority.
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 I. How Do We Determine Divine Authority? It Is Not Determined By Our Ancestors It Is Not Determined By Our Conscience It Is Not Determined By Majority Rule It Is Not Determined By a Religious Organization
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 II. The Bible Is The Standard of All Divine Authority (II Timothy 3:16,17) “All Scripture Is Given By Inspiration Of God...” “Inspiration Of God” THEOPNEUSTOS (yeñpneustow) Literally – “God–Breathed.”
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 II. The Bible Is The Standard of All Divine Authority (II Timothy 3:16,17) B. “And Is Profitable For...” 1. “Doctrine” – (What We Say). 2. “Reproof” – (What We Ought To Be). 3. “Correction” – (How To Get There). 4. “Instruction In Righteousness” – (What We Do).
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 II. The Bible Is The Standard of All Divine Authority (II Timothy 3:16,17) C. “That The Man Of God–May Be Complete, Thoroughly Equipped For Every Good Work.” “Thoroughly” – “To Furnish Perfectly” (Thayer, p.222).
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 III. How Do We Establish Biblical Authority? A. By Examination Of What Is Said. 1. Direct Commands. (Ex 20:1–3, 13–16; Acts 4:18) Who Said It? (Luke 22:15–20; John 12:49; 12:48; Matt 28:18–20; John 16:13; I Cor 14:37)
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 III. How Do We Establish Biblical Authority? A. By Examination Of What Is Said. 1. Direct Commands. (Ex 20:1–3, 13–16; Acts 4:18) To Whom Was It Said? (Gen 22:1,2; Ex 20; Luke 18:20; I Cor 11:23–27)
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 III. How Do We Establish Biblical Authority? 2. Approved Examples. (Acts 20:7) a. Is It Approved? (I Cor 11:20–22; 11:33,34) b. Is It Binding? (Acts 20:7; 2:46; 19:9; Phil 4:9; I Tim 3:15)
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 III. How Do We Establish Biblical Authority? 3. Necessary Inferences (“Inescapable Conclusions”). (I Cor. 11:20; Acts 20:7; Phil 4:15–18;I Cor 16:1,2; Matt. 22:29–32)
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 III. How Do We Establish Biblical Authority? B. By Examination Of What Is Not Said In Scripture. 1. Examples Of The Silence Of God Being Binding. Noah – Gopherwood. (Gen 6:14–16) Moses – The Rock. (Num. 20:7–12; Ex.17:6)
Authority in Religion Matthew 21:23-27 III. How Do We Establish Biblical Authority? B. By Examination Of What Is Not Said In Scripture. 2. Inspired Writers Reason From Scriptural Silence. The Hebrew Writer (Hebrews 1:1–6, 13–14) Paul. (Galatians 3:16)