Microeconomics 1 notes J French IBM105
Relationships A relationship between two or more variables can be expressed as an equation, table or graph equations & graphs are “continuous” tables contain “discrete” information tables are less complete than equations it is more difficult to see patterns in tabular data than it is with a graph -- economists prefer equations and graphs J French IBM105
Equations a relationship between two variables can be expressed as an equation the value of the “dependent variable” is determined by the equation and the value of the “independent variable.” the value of the independent variable is determined outside the equation, i.e. it is “exogenous” J French IBM105
Y = 6 - 2X The relationship between Y and X is determined; for each value of X there is one and only one value of Y [function] Substitute a value of X into the equation to determine the value of Y Values of X and Y may be positive or negative, for many uses in economics the values are positive [we use the NE quadrant] J French IBM105
Equations -- Graphs [Cartesian system] +1 +2 +3 The North East Quadrant (NE), where X > 0, Y > 0 {both X and Y are positive numbers} The X axis [horizontal] (X,Y) where X<0, Y>0 X<0 -3 -2 -1 X > 0 +1 +2 +3 Y<0 -1 -2 -3 (X,Y) where X<0 and Y<0 (X,Y) where X>0 and Y<0 (Left click mouse to add material) The Y axis [vertical] J French IBM105
When the values of the independent and dependent variables are positive, we use the North East quadrant (Left click mouse to add material) Go to the right {+3} units and up {+5} units! 1 2 3 4 5 6 (X, Y) (3, 5) Right {+1} one and up {+6} six (1,6) (5, 1) (2.5, 3.2) Right 5 and up 1 to the right 2.5 units and up 3.2 units J French IBM105
Y X Given the relationship, Y = 6 - 2X, 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B (Left click mouse to add material) 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B when X = 0 then Y = 6 [this is Y-intercept] Y sets of (X, Y) A line that slopes from upper left to lower right represents an inverse or negative relationship, when the value of X increases, Y decreases! when X = 1 then Y = 4 (0, 6) (1, 4) (2, 2) (3, 0) When X = 2, then Y = 2 The relationship for all positive values of X and Y can be illustrated by the line AB When X = 3, Y = 0, [this is X-intercept] X J French IBM105
Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 X What is the X-intercept? (Left click mouse to add material) Given a relationship, Y = 6 - .5X (0,6) (1,5.5) (2, 5) (4,4) (6,3) For every one unit increase in the value of X, Y decreases by one half unit. The slope of this function is -.5! The Y-intercept is 6. What is the X-intercept? J French IBM105
For a relationship, Y = 1 + 2X 3 4 5 6 Y X For a relationship, Y = 1 + 2X When X=0, Y=1 (0,1) When X = 1, Y = 3 slope = +2 (1,3) When X = 2, Y = 5 run +1 rise +2 (2,5) This function illustrates a positive relationship between X and Y. For every one unit increase in X, Y increases by 2 ! for a relationship Y = -1 + .5X This function shows that for a 1 unit increase in X, Y increases one half unit slope = + 1 2 run +2 rise +1 -1 (Left click mouse to add material) J French IBM105
Problem Graph the equation: Y = 9 - 3X Graph the equation Y = -5 + 2X What is the Y intercept? The slope? What is the X intercept? Is this a positive (direct) relationship or negative (inverse)? Graph the equation Y = -5 + 2X J French IBM105
Equations in Economics The quantity [Q] of a good that a person will buy is determined partly by the price [P] of the good. [Note that there are other factors that determine Q.] Q is a function of P, given a Price the quantity of goods purchased is determined. Q = fp (P) A function is relationship between two sets in which there is one and only one element in the second set determined by each element in the first set. J French IBM105
Relationship [cont . . . ] Q = fp (P) {Q is a function of P} Example: Q = 220 - 5P If P = 0, then Q = 220 If P = 1, then Q = 215 for each one unit increase in the value of P, the value of Q decreases by 5 J French IBM105
Q = 220 - 5P This is an inverse or negative relationship as the value of P increases, the value of Q decreases the “Y intercept” is 220, this is the value of Q when; P = 0 the “X intercept” is 44, this is the value of P when Q = 0 This is a “linear function,” i.e. a straight line The “slope” of the function is -5 for every 1 unit change in P, Q changes by 5 in the opposite direction J French IBM105
The equation provides the information to construct a table. However, it is not possible to make a table to include every possible value of P. The table contains “discrete” data and does not show all possible values! J French IBM105
Demand PRICE For the relationship, Q = 220 - 5P, the relationship can be graphed ... $5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 When the price is $44, 0 unit will be bought; at a price of $0, 220 units will be bought. 44 Demand Notice that we have drawn the graph “backwards,” P{independent} variable is placed on the Y-axis. This is done because we eventually want to put supply on the same graph and one or the other must be reversed! Sorry! 70 At P=$30, Q = 70 170 At a price of $10, the the quantity is 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 QUANTITY (Left click mouse to add material) J French IBM105
Slopes and Shifts Economists are interested in how one variable {the independent} “causes” changes in another variable {the dependent} this is measured by the slope of the function Economists are also interested in changes in the relationship between the variables this is measured by “shifts” of the function J French IBM105
Slope of a function or “line” The slope measures the change in the dependent variable that will be “caused” by a change in the independent variable When, Y = a ± m X; m is the slope J French IBM105
Slope of a Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y X Y = 6 -.5X DY= -1 DX = 2 as the value of X increases from 2 to 4, the value of Y decreases from 5 to 4 DY is the rise [or change in Y caused by DX]{in this case, -1} so, slope is -1/2 or -.5 DX is the run {+2}, slope is rise run J French IBM105
Shifts of function When the relationship between two variables changes, the function or line “shifts” This shift is caused by a change in some variable not included in the equation [the equation is a polynomial] A shift of the function will change the intercepts [and in some cases the slope] J French IBM105
Given the function Y = 6 - .5X, Shifts right an increase in the function would represent an increase in the intercept [from 6 to a larger number] (Left click mouse to add material) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y X the function shifts and its slope also changes Given the function Y = 6 - .5X, Just the slope changes {in this case, an increase in the absolute value of .5 to -1.8} Y” = 6 - 1.8X [x intercept = 3.3] A decrease in the function would be Y’ = 4 - .5X shifts left J French IBM105
Shifts in functions In Principles of Economics most functions are graphed in 2-dimensions, this means we have 2 variables. [The dependent and independent] Most dependent variables are determined by several or many variables, this requires polynomials to express the relationships a change in one of these variables which is not shown on a 2-D graph causes the function to “shift” J French IBM105
Slope and Production The output of a good is determined by the amounts of inputs and technology used in production example of a case where land is fixed and fertilizer is added to the production of tomatoes. with no fertilizer some tomatoes, too much fertilizer and it destroys tomatoes J French IBM105
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The maximum output of T possible with all inputs and existing technology is 10 units with 6 units of F tons of tomatoes TPf With the 3rd unit of F, T increases to 9 With 2 units of F, the output of T increases to 8 With 1 unit of Fertilizer [F], we get 6 tons The increase in tomatoes [DT] “caused” by DF is +3, this is the slope With no fertilizer we get 3 tons of tomatoes use of more F causes the tomatoes to “burn” and output declines (Left click mouse to add material) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FERTILIZER J French IBM105
Slope and Marginal Product Since the output of tomatoes [T] is a function of Fertilizer [F] , the other inputs and technology we are able to graph the total product of Fertilizer [TPf] From the TPf, we can calculate the marginal product of fertilizer [MPf] MPf is the DTPf “caused” by the DF J French IBM105
TPf MPf [slope] 0 3 rise = +3 rise/run =+3 +3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Given: T = f (F, . . . ), MPf = [DTPf/DF] DTPf = +1, DF = +3; +1/+3 @ .33 [this is an approximation because DF>1] TPf DTPf = -1, DF = +2; -1/+2 = -.5 Fertilizer [F] Tomatoes [T] 0 3 MPf [slope] 3 {technically, this is between 0 and the first unit of F} +3 3 1 6 run=1 rise = +3 2 8 2 3 9 1 6 10 .33 rise/run =+3 8 9 -.5 [a negative slope!] DTPf = +3, DF = +1; +3/+1 = 3 [slope = +3] DTPf = +2, DF = +1; +2/+1 = 2 DTPf = +1, DF = +1; +1/+1 = 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J French IBM105
or, P = 44 - .2 Q Q = 220 - 5P -220 -220 + Q = -5P -5 44 - Q = 1P Given a functional relationship such as: Q = 220 - 5P, we can express the equation for P as a function of Q Think of an equation as a “balance scale,” what you do to one side of the equation you must do to the other in order to maintain balance Q = 220 - 5P subtract 220 from both sides -220 -220 + Q = -5P divide every term in both sides by -5 -5 44 - 1 5 Q = 1P or, P = 44 - .2 Q The equation P = 44 - .2Q is the same as Q = 220 - .5P (Left click mouse to add material) J French IBM105
How do economists estimate relationships? Humans behavioral relationships are: modeled on the basis of theories models are verified through empirical observations and statistical methods The relationships are estimates that represent populations {or distributions} not specific individuals or elements J French IBM105
An Example Hypothesis: the amount of good X [Q] that Susan purchases is determined by the price of the good [Px], Susans’s income [Y], prices of other related goods [Pr] and Susan’s preferences. Q = fi (Px,Y, Pr, preferences, . . .) [. . . indicates there are other variables that are not included in the equation] J French IBM105
Model of Relationship Q = fi (Px,Y, Pr, preferences, . . .) acts a a model to represent the relationships of each independent variable to Q [dependent variable] For simplicity, the relationship is described as “linear.” If the relationship were believed not to be linear, with a bit more effort we might construct a “nonlinear model.” J French IBM105
Empirical verification To test the model, we would like to observe Susan’s buying pattern. If Px,Y, Pr and preferences were all changing at the same time, we would use a multivariate analysis called “multiple regression.” For simplicity we have been lucky enough to find a period where only Px has changed. Y, Pr and preferences have remained unchanged over the period in which we observe Susan’s purchases J French IBM105
Quantity per week Price of good X 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 During a 5 week period, Susan was observed making the following purchases Quantity per week Price of good X 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Data from these observations can be plotted on the graph Clearly there is a pattern, however it is not a perfect relationship. Through statistical inference we can estimate some general characteristics about the relationship 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 J French IBM105
Given the observed data about Susan’s purchases: We can estimate a line that minimizes the square of the difference that each point [that represents two variables] lies off the estimated line. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Quantity per week Price of good X 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 P = 23 - .75Q may be written Q = 30.667- 1.333P ( Q= 10, P= $15) No single point may lie the line, but the line is an estimate of the relationship (15, 11) (20,10) (22,7) (22,6) P = 23 - .75Q is our estimate of the relationship between the price and the quantity that Susan purchases each week, ceteris paribus or all other things equal J French IBM105
Given the observed data about Susan’s purchases: and our estimated function: P = 23 - .75Q or Q = 30.67 - 1.33P, we would predict that at a price of $10 Susan would purchase about 17.37 units, [Q = 30.67 - 1 .33 P, P = 10 so Q =17.37] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Quantity per week Price of good X 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 We observed that Susan bought 20 units when the price was $10 so estimate is off by a small amount [-2.63 units] At a price of $6 our equation predicts that 22.67 units will be purchased Since we observed that she purchased 22, we are off by .67 units Q = 17.37 P = 10 P = 6 Q = 22.67 our estimates are not perfect, but they give an approximation of the relationship J French IBM105
Statistical Estimates The estimates are not “perfect” but they provide reasonable estimates There are many statistical tools that measure the confidence that we have in out predictions these include such things as correlation, coefficient of determination, standard errors, t-scores and F-ratios J French IBM105
Slope & Calculus In economics we are interested in how a change in one variable changes another How a change in price changes sales. How a change in an input changes output. How a change in output changes cost. etc. The rate of change is measured by the slope of the functional relationship by subtraction the slope was calculated as rise over run where rise = DY = Y1 - Y2 and run = DX = X1 - X2, J French IBM105
Derivative There are still more slides on this topic When we have a nonlinear function, a simple derivative can be used to calculate the slope of the tangent to the function at any value of the independent variable The notation for a derivative is written: J French IBM105
Summary a derivative is the slope of a tangent at a point on a function is the rate of change, it measures the change in Y caused by a change in X as the change in X approaches 0 in economics jargon, [the slope or rate of change] is the “marginal” dY dX dY dX J French IBM105
Households (Individuals) Circular Flow Goods and Services Goods and services S D Q P Goods Market Personal Cons Expenditure $ Revenue $ Q P Households (Individuals) Business Firms (Mouse Click to Advance) Role: Producers hire resource (Mouse Click to advance) (Mouse Click to advance) (Mouse Click to advance) (Mouse Click to advance) (Mouse Click to advance) (Mouse Click to advance) (Mouse Click to advance) Roles: A. Resource owners Price Resource Resource Market B. Consumers $ Expense Resource hired $income S Resource offered D N P Mouse click for next slide © L Reynolds, 1999 J French IBM105
Households (Individuals) Circular Flow (Mouse Click to Advance) (Mouse Click to Advance) (Mouse Click to Advance) Goods and Services Goods and services S D Q P Personal Cons Expenditure $ Revenue $ Q P Government Households (Individuals) Business Firms Taxes Gov’t Purchases & transfers Role: Producers hire resource Roles: A. Resource owners B. Consumers $ Expense Resource hired $income S Resource offered Price D N P Finis Resource © L Reynolds, 1999 J French Mouse click to end show, use back button on browser to return to web IBM105
Finite world individuals and society are confronted by limited resources inputs or factors of production time budgets information / knowledge / technology J French IBM105
Resources Typical taxonomy Alternative view land / natural resources labor Capital Entrepreneurial ability Alternative view Matter Energy Time Technology J French IBM105
Scarcity Because of Scarcity, individuals and societies must make choices All Choices in a finite world have “opportunity costs” alternative uses of finite resources Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative sacrificed Can institutional structure create or increase scarcity? J French IBM105
Fundamental Economic Questions What should be produced? How many? How should these goods (and services) be produced? When should these goods be produced? Who gets the goods (and services) that were produced? J French IBM105
Economics as a Social Science Human behavior is influenced by a matrix of complex forces Psychology Sociology Anthropology Economics Political Science Religion... J French IBM105
Economics as Social Science [cont ...] Need for integration of social sciences deductive, historical and empirical [statistical] approaches Philosophical and Historical Context To speculate about where you are going, you need to understand where you are To fully understand where you are, you need to know where you came from J French IBM105
Economics as Social Science [cont ...] As a social science economics has a foundation based on a system of ethics Ethics [“Utilitarianism”] deontological ontological J French IBM105
Economics as a Decision Science Optimization Maximization of an objective Minimization of an objective Objectives preferences individual, firm, [organization] social J French IBM105
“Scientific Method” Scientific method is a subset of Epistemology General approach is: aware of problem develop hypothesis [model] gather data to test hypothesis test hypothesis accept or reject hypothesis when hypothesis gathers general acceptance it becomes a “Theory” J French IBM105
Models A model is a representation of reality, it necessarily abstracts form the “real world” case of two models: Paper and clay. You model an airplane. Do the models look alike? No? Which model is “best?” Which is “best” to demonstrate the principle of lift and flight? Which model would be “best” in a wind tunnel at 700kph? What you build your model from determines to some extent the nature of your model. What you want to use the model for determines the process. J French IBM105
Goals of Science to predict: On the basis of information currently known and theories, science would like the ability to estimate with some degree of probability, future events. to explain: The process by which the causal processes of an event can be identified. [The identification of causal relationships.] Story telling: Story telling is the process by which most societies pass on the cultural values, organizing myths and traditions that determine values and guide behavior. J French IBM105
Steps to Economic analysis Identify the Objective Identify all feasible alternatives Alternatives are determined by technology other constraints [finite resources, law, custom,...] Develop Criteria to evaluate each alternative with respect to the objective J French IBM105
Objectives The objective is the goal or desired outcome of a choice Individuals may try to maximize utility given the constraints of income, time, prices, etc. Firms may have objectives such as the maximization of profits, sales, market share, etc. or the minimization of costs per unit Social objective, maximize the well being of the members of society J French IBM105
Social Objectives The philosophical foundation of Neoclassical economics is “Utilitarianism” Jeremy Bentham [1748-1832] “The greatest good for the greatest number.” We want the greatest welfare for the members of a community. Individual and Community How can we maintain the autonomy of the individual and at the same time provide for the commonweal? J French IBM105
Economics as a Decision Science Economics to analyze choices At the margin Marginal Benefits [MB] Marginal Costs [MC] MC is the same as opportunity cost It is the value of what you sacrifice as a result of the choice MB = MC as basic rule of optimization J French IBM105
Coordination and Integration Individual choices must be coordinated and integrated by social institutions Integrating / coordinating mechanisms in society householding redistribution reciprocity market exchange J French IBM105
Householding each individual household or familial unit produces all the items they consume subsistence type of economy not prevalent in modern, industrial societies largely ignored in Neoclassical economics J French IBM105
Redistribution Redistribution occurs when a society’s recourses are distributed by an authority Central organizing authority takes resource and allocates them by some criteria Authority based on religion, political power, military strength, etc. J French IBM105
Reciprocity Defined in anthropology as “obligatory gift giving” I do something for you and through social convention you are obliged to do something for me Reciprocity requires a society that includes members who have a continuing relationship J French IBM105
Reciprocity [cont. . .] When I help you harvest your crop as a member of a community, you have obligations to help me do something Should you choose to ignore your social responsibilities often enough, you will eventually be ostracized. Reciprocity requires a sense of community If I pay you for goods or services, it may substantially alter the good or service J French IBM105
Market Exchange A market exchange is a “quid pro quo” mechanism. It is a contractual arrangement were we specify exactly what you will receive in return for a good or service rendered. “I will give a yellow, #2 pencil for $.50“ We both know exactly what we are getting in the exchange J French IBM105
Market exchange [cont. . . ] market exchange may occur between strangers. I do not need to know the shopkeeper where I buy a soft drink. market exchange works best were exchanges are voluntary this assures that one or both parties to an exchange benefit and no one is made “worse” off. Concept of Pareto Efficiency “nonattenuated property rights” are required for markets to produce optimal results J French IBM105
Pareto Efficiency Pareto efficiency is the primary criteria used in Neoclassical economics to evaluate alternatives Pareto efficiency is a condition such that there are no alternatives that will improve the welfare of any person(s) without making some one else (or others) “worse off” J French IBM105
Pareto Efficiency [cont. . . ] Clearly, if there is an alternative that will improve the welfare of at least one person and no one is any worse off, that alternative would improve the welfare of society. This is a Pareto improvement If the utility of at least one person can be increased, but some one else (or others) is made worse off, it is not a Pareto improvement Benefit/cost analysis is based on the Pareto criterion {rate of return on investment and others are also based on the Pareto criterion J French IBM105
Pareto Efficiency and Voluntary Exchanges Market exchanges that are voluntary are said to be Pareto Optimal It is believed that no one would voluntarily enter into a voluntary exchange and make themselves “worse off” Therefore, one or both parties to a voluntary exchange is believed to be better off and no one is any worse off J French IBM105
Definition of economics the study of how individuals and societies use limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants. J French IBM105
Fundamental economic problem scarcity. individuals and societies must choose among available alternatives. J French IBM105
Economic goods, free goods, and economic bads economic good (scarce good) - the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied at a zero price. free good - the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded at a zero price. economic bad - people are willing to pay to avoid the item J French IBM105
Economic resources land labor capital entrepreneurial ability natural resources, the “free gifts of nature” labor the contribution of human beings capital plant and equipment this differs from “financial capital” entrepreneurial ability J French IBM105
Resource payments Economic Resource Resource payment land rent labor wages capital interest entrepreneurial ability profit J French IBM105
Rational self-interest individuals select the choices that make them happiest, given the information available at the time of a decision. self-interest vs. selfishness J French IBM105
Positive and normative analysis positive economics attempt to describe how the economy functions relies on testable hypotheses normative economics relies on value judgements to evaluate or recommend alternative policies. J French IBM105
Logical fallacies fallacy of composition occurs when it is incorrectly assumed that what is true for each and every individual in isolation is true for an entire group. post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy (association as causation) occurs when one incorrectly assumes that one event is the cause of another because it precedes the other. J French IBM105
Microeconomics vs. macroeconomics microeconomics - the study of individual economic agents and individual markets macroeconomics - the study of economic aggregates J French IBM105
Algebra and graphical analysis direct relationship J French IBM105
Direct relationship J French IBM105
Inverse relationship J French IBM105
Linear relationships A linear relationship possesses a constant slope, defined as: J French IBM105
Linear relationships (continued) If an equation can be written in the form: Y=mX+b, then: m = slope, and b = Y - intercept. J French IBM105