Week 2 DGP 11th Grade
Monday: Parts of Speech before you turn in an essay proofread it thoroughly
Monday: Parts of Speech before- subordinating conjunction thoroughly- adverb you- personal pronoun turn- action verb in- adverb an- article essay- noun proofread- action verb it- personal pronoun
Tuesday: Sentence Parts and Phrases before you turn in an essay proofread it thoroughly
Tuesday: Sentence Parts and Phrases Subject- you, (you) Verb (transitive)- turn, proofread Direct Objects- essay, it
Wednesday: Sentence Clauses and Type before you turn in an essay proofread it thoroughly
Wednesday: Sentence Parts and Type Independent Clause: proofread it thoroughly Dependent Clause: *acts as an adverb before you turn in an essay Sentence Type: Complex, Imperative
Thursday: Capitalization and Punctuation before you turn in an essay proofread it thoroughly
Thursday: Capitalization and Punctuation Before you turn in an essay, proofread it thoroughly.
Friday: Review Question What is an adverb dependent clause? What does it modify? How can you tell if it is an adverb dependent clause? Give an example (besides the one in your notes and in this week’s sentence) of a sentence with an adverb dependent clause. Label the adverb dependent clause.