sg-whitespace-09-0007-07-0000 Project IEEE 802 Executive Committee Study Group on TV White Spaces – ADHOC USE CASE SUB-GROUP Title ECSG ADHOC USE CASE SLIDE DECK Date Submitted 2009-01-20 Source(s) Contributor: Nanci Vogtli, Affiliation Concrete Logic Voice: (408) 354-8070, e-mail: Contributor: Richard Paine, Affiliation Self Voice: 206-854-8199, e-mail: Contributor: Dan Lubar, Affiliation RelayServices Voice: (877) 569-5069, e-mail: Contributor: Scott Blue, Affiliation: Sensable Radio, email: Contributor: Gerald Chouinard, Affiliation CRC, email: Contributor: Jack Unger, Affiliation WISPA , email: Abstract IEEE 802 ECSG on White Space ADHOC USE CASE slide deck to capture TVWS USE CASE Sceneraios Purpose To provide input to the ECSG and others on possible use cases that will help clarify how the TVWS spectrum might be used and how these uses might possibly be addressed by IEEE 802 work. Release The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802. Patent Policy and Procedures The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <> and <>. Further information is located at <> and <>.
802 Whitespace Use Cases Goal: to help the 802 EC to determine next steps for 802 and its WG's in the TVWS by presenting known use cases
Whitespace Use Case Review Group decision to discuss use cases based on the regulatory constraints ≤4W fixed devices Use Case ≤4W fixed device to ≤100mW portable devices Use Case ≤100mW portable devices Use Case ≤50mW (Sense Only) portable devices Use Case ≤40mW portable devices Use Case International Use Case Future looking NOI Use case Shellhammer Input Broadband wireless internet access? Yes, including VOIP over broadband, but may use the frequencies for other applications like sensors or in-home devices that do not require broadband wireless internet access. Ranga Reddy Input Star/tree/mesh? Maybe? Have we covered sufficiently the requirements? Categorize by power Terms: Fixed, Personal/portable, Master, client Identify all devices that might be involved. Contrast what is different between licensed bands and new frequency Note: devices do not need to be operating at maximum power but rather ‘up to’ => “≤”
Whitespace Use Case Terms Terms from the FCC Report and Order Fixed/Outdoor Device (ex: towers, water towers, homes, farms, farm silos, etc.) Personal/Portable Device (ex: portables, laptops, smartphones, desktops, etc.) TV Protected Contour (41 dBμV/m on channel) ”receive antenna”** height for fixed deployments: 10m ie Height for fixed/outdoor device: ≤3 m up to 30m (see Table 3 in the R&O) 10m seems to be to provide a base “interference distance” for a typical DTV receive antenna ** The ambiguity of the phrase “receive antenna” will likely be the subject in a number of re-consideration filing that FCC will see after publication of the R&O (FCC 08-260) & its errata 4
US FCC Antenna Height and Channel Use R&O Table 3 No fixed unlicensed TVBD can transmit either co-channel or adjacent channel, inside a TV channel's protected contour (41 dBuV/m) and within the keep-out distance specified in Table 3 of the R&O. note that the height of the fixed/outdoor broadband transmit antenna is allowed over a range of <=3m up to 30 m (see Table 3 in R&O 08-260) 10 m is in fact related to the height of the sensing antenna to provide reliable sensing to secure a base "interference-free distance" from a DTV station or wireless microphone operation as long as the transmit antenna is not installed higher than the sensing antenna. The height of the receiving antenna would simply improve (>10m) or worsen (<10m) the performance of the fixed broadband operation itself but will have no effect on interference potential towards incumbents in practice, it is likely that these three (sensing, receiving, transmitting) antennas will be integrated into one physical unit, thus installed at the same height, currently between 10 m and 30 m.
Adjacent Channels (N+/-1) Alternate Channels (N+/2 and beyond) US FCC Regulatory Use Case Matrix Unlicensed TV Band Device transmissions generally* allowed within a TV protected contour are indicated by "A" and transmission cases disallowed are indicated by "D". Co-Channel (N) Adjacent Channels (N+/-1) Alternate Channels (N+/2 and beyond) ≤4W Fixed D A ≤4W Fixed to ≤100mW Portable ≤100mW Personal ≤50mW Sense Only Portable ≤40mW Portable Most channels are available outside a TV protected contour (41 dBuV/m) beyond the keep-out distance specified in Table 3 of the R&O * Note: Some channels are excluded from use by some or all TVBD's, such as Channel 37. This exclusion even applies at locations not within a TV protected contour nor within a TV protected contour's keep-out distance
Architectures The Report and Order does not limit architectures - star/tree/mesh are possible Coupling between architectures and market place (what are the use cases the market will demand) 802.22 has a proposed star architecture for the 4W Whitespace use case
4W Fixed Whitespace Use Case Outdoor use outside the TV protected contour (41dBμV/m) and beyond the keep-out distance of all TV channels used in the area and their adjacent channels Towns, villages Rural areas, Farms Suburbs star/tree/mesh Fixed Devices Grain Elevator Enterprise Slaughterhouse Enterprise Waterpark Enterprise Hunting Lodge Fishing Lodge Agriculture Enterprise Military Equipment Public Safety Equipment All Business Enterprises Geo-location Database of Incumbent Stations Fixed Registered Master Database Access Cell Towers Installable Private Comm. Systems Emergency Services Water Towers 20-30km Coverage Suburban Consolidated Access (MDU/MTU) Military Operations Public Safety Fixed Devices Light Residential/Suburban Farming & Agricultural Fixed Devices Ranching Mountainous 1/20/2009
Access point (Portable TVBD or Wi-Fi) 4W to 4W fed by 100mW Use Case Indoor or outdoor use outside of both the protected contour (41dBμV/m) and also the keep-out distance of all channels or adjacent channels in use in the area of operation Towns, villages Rural areas, Farms Suburbs star/tree/mesh 100mW Personal/Portable Devices Geo-location Database of Incumbent Stations Onboard Roaming computing devices Internet Access VOIP ≤4W Fixed CPE Access point (Portable TVBD or Wi-Fi) 4W Fixed Master Database Access Cell Towers Installable Private Comm. Systems Emergency Services Water Towers 20-30km Coverage Suburban Consolidated Access (MDU/MTU) Military Operations Public Safety Private Radio Station 100mW Personal/Portable Devices 100mW Personal/ Portable Devices Mobile Push to Talk Internet Access VOIP Movable Systems Internet Access Onboard Tractors VOIP Broadcast Radio 1/20/2009
4W to portable 100mW Use Case Indoor or outdoor use outside of both the protected contour (41dBμV/m) and also the keep-out distance of all channels or adjacent channels in use in the area of operation Towns, villages Rural areas, Farms Suburbs Urban/Metropolitan – only where spectrum is available Download bandwidth > Upload bandwidth star/tree/mesh 100mW Personal/Portable Devices Geo-location Database of Incumbent Stations Onboard Roaming computing devices Internet Access VOIP 4W Fixed Master Database Access Cell Towers Installable Private Comm. Systems Emergency Services Water Towers 20-30km Coverage Suburban Consolidated Access (MDU/MTU) Military Operations Public Safety Private Radio Station 100mW Personal/Portable Devices Mobile Push to Talk Internet Access VOIP 100mW Personal/ Portable Devices Movable Systems Internet Access Onboard Tractors VOIP Broadcast Radio Personal/Portable Devices are directly connected at 100mW near the Fixed Master 1/20/2009 10 10
Geo-location /Regulatory 100mW Whitespace Use Case Indoor or outdoor use outside of both the protected contour (41dBμV/m) and also the keep-out distance of all channels or adjacent channels in use in the area of operation Suburban Neighborhoods Farm Wireless device access in a residence or farm or neighborhood Areas of weak TV broadcast signals Access Points – may or may not be for broadband Internet access Unlicensed Voice Applications – ex: Femtocell-like Point-to-Point Wireless Physical Area LAN 100m Residential Neighborhood or farm star/tree/mesh? Personal/Portable Devices Personal/Portable Devices Geo-location /Regulatory Database of Incumbent Stations Personal/Portable Devices Registered Master
50mW (Sensing Only) Whitespace Use Case Indoor or outdoor use outside of both the protected contour (41dBμV/m) and also the keep-out distance of all channels or adjacent channels in use in the area of operation Access Points Unlicensed Voice Applications – ex: Femtocell-like Point-to-Point Wireless (ie Peer to peer/DLS) Portability Body Area Networks (BAN) – may not be broadband Internet access Area Indoor Networks PAN 10m Personal/Portable Devices Personal/Portable Devices Personal/Portable Devices Registered Master
≤ 40mW Whitespace Use Case In-building outside the protected contour (41dBμV/m) and beyond the keep-out distance of all channels being used in the area Body Area Networks (BAN) – may not be broadband Internet access Protection Beacons and Microphones In-home backhaul Network Sensors/Control Devices Smart Utility Networks PANs Personal/Portable Devices Personal/Portable Devices Personal/Portable Devices
TVWS International Service Impacts Could Service Rules from Different Regulatory domains affect use-cases? Any need to Harmonize Regulatory Domains/Rules for TVWS? Are Cross-Border/National Boundaries an issue to use-cases? Regulatory domains to harmonize?.. US rules (Part 15, Part 74, and Part 90) Canada rules: Licensing of fixed point-to-multipoint TVWS with base station at up to 500 W EIRP at 30 m antenna HAAT (reduced power for higher HAAT) for rural broadband access Netherlands Antilles – Initial allocation of "clean spectrum" Transmission output of portable devices must stay within RF Safety Limits (which means allowance of power levels higher than 100mW) Transmission output of fixed devices must correspond with heights required under the RF Safety Limits (which means allowance of power levels higher than 4W EIRP) Aspiring operators most roll out nationwide networks (meaning the eventual use of dynamic portable MAN´s and RAN´s) Asia rules Australia rules
TVWS International Service Impacts Regulatory domains to harmonize continued.. EU rules UK (OFCOM) In June 2008, Ofcom issued a Consultation Document on "Digital Dividend Review; Geographic Interleaved Awards 470 - 550 MHz and 630 - 790 MHz". This document proposes that licences will be auctioned to allow use to be made of the unused blocks of spectrum between the 6 national digital TV multiplexes (i.e. whitespaces). It is anticipated that such licences could be used for a range of applications, and hence they are proposed to be auctioned on a service-neutral and technology-neutral basis. The Technical Licence Conditions will be specified on the assumption that the licences will be used for a "digital TV like" application, although other applications could be used providing they fit within the technical parameters specified. (There may also subsequently be an opportunity to amend the technical licence conditions.) The Consultation Document acknowledges that there may be an opportunity to use cognitive radio in this band, although such use is not considered in the document, however it states that Ofcom intend to issue another Consultation Document in the future specifically on the subject of cognitive radio. At the same time, Ofcom also issued a complementary Consultation Document on "Digital Dividend Review: 550-630 MHz and 790-854 MHz". This addressed those parts of the band which are to be cleared of TV broadcast operations, to enable licences to be auctioned, most likely for new mobile broadband networks. Consequently these parts of the band are not really appropriate for consideration as whitespaces, and hence there is very much less opportunity for cognitive radio in these frequency blocks. ITU has recommendations for worldwide TV whitespace technologies and approaches 15
NOI for higher power Use Case Will represent a “high power use case” versus current 4W TVWS R&O & Errata Higher base station power than 4W CPE power is unlikely to be much higher than 4W because of RF safety concern NOI work status is unknown and may not be actively “in progress” Maybe geared toward very Rural low density deployments covering large areas Will provide larger coverage areas at low cost May require both database and sensing together May require adjustments/amendments to R&O’s “fixed wireless” rules 40 km point-to-point (phased array?) application possible 16
Discussion Inputs Use case: broadband wireless Internet? Not necessarily in all cases Whether to contribute star, tree, or mesh as part of a use case? Within a use case? Health issues? Security? Keepaway zones/incumbent protection Use of the 4W by cell towers/organizations/safety/emergency responders/etc Economics of using competing/complementing wireless technologies Data base Sensing Cognitive radio applications/Interactive radio station (IP-based transport) Topologies depend on the use cases Scott Blue’s Use Cases 4W fixed to 4W fixed (database access can be bootstrap) 4W fixed master 100mW portable client 100mW master to 100mW client (40mW for both in the 1st adjacent channel) 50mW sensing only client to client
Use Case Conclusions THE TVWS USE CASES WILL.. part of a larger Wireless eco-system driven by Market demands, Policy requirements, & Service Rules ..may be hard to predict the most common use cases before we “get there” ..will facilitate, and be facilitated by, innovation & policy goals ..focus on standardization may need to be in sub-channelization mechanism for very low power (<40mW) devices