Get Ya Grades Up! Presenters: Region III AEX: Trejon Spratling Region III Vice Chair: Josh Cass
Importance of Good Grades Good grades are extremely important because: The amount of benefits that can be taken from in N.S.B.E Opens doors for more job opportunities and internships within the year. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION
Learn How Learn Learning how to learn is the key component that really put me on the road to academic success. It taught me how to go above and beyond all expectations and truly excel academically. It built an immense amount of curiosity in me that made me excited to go to class everyday. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION
Keys to My Success Study groups Communication with Teachers when in need of help. Doing every problem assigned in a given set of homework problems Internal drive to never give up regardless of how hard the situation is SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION
Key Study Habits Never pick up a book without a pin and highlighter in both hands. Read over course material before attending lectures Practice, PRACTICE, PRACTICE (Especially as it pertains to mathematics and science based habits) Stay Curious!! Curiosity leads to questions. Questions lead to answers. Answer lead to great achievement and success. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION
Excuses for Why Someone cant get there grades up I’m too busy I don’t have the brain to maintain a high GPA My girlfriend/boyfriend takes up too much time I’m satisfied with a C I just want to get a Job who cares about school I’m too tired, I just want to sleep all day SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION
Solutions C’s get degrees but education is what builds a nation. All learning stems from motivation, find out what opportunities that having a decent GPA with N.S.B.E can do for you and take advantage of every moment. Learn how to Learn, it will make your college experience much more enjoyful and exciting. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION
Questions? Any questions about what was just discussed. Is there anything that you would like to share with the group such as effective study habits that led you to academic success? This is time open for allotted for members to ask a questions about the presentation or simply share ways that they have succeed academically. Alloy about 15 min and then we will close out. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION