L VE Reaching July 16-20, 2017 2017- Summer Missions HIS Luke 4:18 Summer Mission Opportunity ~ Williamsburg, Kentucky Ministry Opportunities for Adults, Youth, and Families FIRST TEAM MEETING – TUESDAY, MAY 23rd, 6:30PM, MBA OFFICE Join our 2nd year to partner with Cedaridge Ministies, Wolf Creek Baptist, and S. Union Mt. Zion Baptist Assoc. in Williamsburg, KY. Our mission projects will include VBS, Block Parties, construction, evangelistic outreach, meal prep and other opportunities for all individuals and families to serve. Cost Information Application Deadline – May 24th Does not include transportation Includes 4 nights lodging and meals Per person Cedaridge Ministries Dorm: $130 Hotel: $475 single / $275 double $210 triple / $175 quad Hampton Inn or Cumberland Inn For more information, contact: Ron Lynch: rlynch@madisonassociation.org or Barbara Glenn: bglenn@madisonassociation.org 256.536.0015 MBA office July 16-20, 2017 Wolf Creek Baptist