Road Weather Impacts & Collaboration Forecast Examples
Daily Weather Briefing Detailed 3-day forecast discussion with graphics and extended 7-day outlook Gives an in-depth discussion of: Travel impacts Timing of major storms Regional forecasting Available in any format (email, website blog post, PDF, etc.)
Winter Weather Forecasting Travel Impacts Travel impacts include: Blowing/drifting snow Poor visibility Road surface conditions
Travel Impacts
Timing Discussions offer: Estimated time of arrival on major storms and when the most hazardous weather will occur
Forecasting by elevation, district, geography, or most impacted area Regional Forecasting Forecasting by elevation, district, geography, or most impacted area
Discussion of areas that will be most impacted Regional Forecasting Discussion of areas that will be most impacted
High Wind Forecasting Offers likely scenario vs. worst case scenario for better decision-making
Summer Weather Forecasting
Communication to the Trucking Industry CVOP (Commercial Vehicle Operator Portal) designed for the trucking industry to be advised of road weather impacts, including visibility, wind, and road surface conditions Forecasts organized by road section Gives a visual forecast of travel impacts Three levels of impact: Green (low impact) Yellow (moderate impact) Red (high impact) Ability to choose travel impacts or specific forecast time-frames Definitions for levels of impact (surface, wind and visibility)
Communication to the Trucking Industry Forecasted road impacts on map are also listed below in easy-to-read text format * CVOP programmed and developed by WYDOT
Pathfinder Collaboration Collaboration through NWSchat, between DayWeather, WYDOT and surrounding NWS offices. WYDOT Met Julie (DayWeather): …I’m going to give TMC a message to put up [on DMS signs] when there is space. Thinking…”Blowing Snow Expected Tonight Through Thursday 10 AM”. Do you have a more detailed time-frame suggestion? …conditions on 287 will stay snowy/icy, blowing snow probably not as big a concern as on I-80. NWS Jeff Garmon (Cheyenne, WY): We will likely issue a statement later today for travel conditions late tonight along I-80. Will also hit harder on Facebook/Twitter as we get into late afternoon along I-80 corridor….and point them to the website
Pathfinder Collaboration Form created for organization of collaborative messaging between WYDOT, DayWeather and NWS. Form includes suggested message for Dynamic Message Signs regarding a high impact weather event.
Pathfinder Collaboration Example of Dynamic Message Signs to reflect the Pathfinder collaborative message.
Let us know if you have any questions or need more information! Contact Information Let us know if you have any questions or need more information! Don Day – Julie Gondzar – DayWeather Office: 307-638-6054 or 1-800-584-9331