Britain U.S. France Vocab People 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 WorldJeopardy 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
This political party became the most popular in Great Britain after in the 1920s. The British Labour Party What was The British Labour Party
This is the rebellion that happened in 1916, which tried to end English rule. The Easter Rising or Rebellion What was the Easter Rising or Rebellion
These were the four commonwealth nations. What were Australia, Canada New Zealand, and South Africa Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada
Great Britain wanted to relax the punishment of this European nation after WWI. What was Germany? Germany
This is the group that carried out a guerilla war against Great Britain and it is still going on today. Irish Republican Army What was and is the Irish Republican Army- IRA?
These are the two nations that emerged after WWI as world leaders in trade, it is still true today. Japan and the U.S. What were Japan and the United States?
This is the name for the fear of the communist revolution which caused caused the deportation of European immigrants . The Red Scare What was the Red Scare?
He was the American president that stated, “the business of America is business.” Calvin Coolidge Who was Calvin Coolidge?
This is the event in 1929, that marked the beginning of the Great Depression in the U.S. The Stock Market Crash What was the Stock Market Crash?
This decade in American history was known as the “Jazz Age” and was marked by economic growth and prohibition. The Roaring Twenties What was the Roaring Twenties?
These were the series of forts built by the French to protect against future German invasion. The Maginot Line What was the Maginot Line?
These were two reasons the French economy recovered faster than many other European countries after WWI. War reparations from Germany and the rich provinces of Alsace and Lorraine What were War Reparations Germany and the return of Alsace and Lorraine?
This was the socialist government which tried to solve social and labor problems in France. The Popular Front What was the French Popular Front?
This is the country that France sought an alliance with after WWI to surround and isolate Germany. The Soviet Union What was the Soviet Union?
These are the two provinces that helped in France’s economic recovery after WWI. Alsace and Lorraine What were Alsace and Lorraine?
These were two treaties signed after WWI that tried to end warfare. What were the Locarno Agreements and the Kellogg -Briand Pact? The Locarno agrrements and the Kellogg-Briand Pact
This occurred in Great Britain in 1926 and in France and completely shut down the economy for a period of time. A general strike What was a General Strike?
This was the event that occurred in 1929 and lasted until 1941 in the United States. The Great Depression What was the Great Depression?
This was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s program to end the economic slump in the U.S. The New Deal What was the New Deal?
This was the name given to the newly independent Irish Free State. Eire What was Eire?
He became the leader of the French government and attempted to end labor unrest. Leon Blum Who was Leon Blum?
He was the American president during the stock market crash of 1929. Herbert Hoover Who was Herbert Hoover?
He flew from New York to Paris in 1927 and became a national hero. Charles Lindbergh Who was Charles ( Lucky) Lindbergh?
These two men, one the U. S. Sec These two men, one the U.S. Sec. of State and the French foreign minister negotiated a treaty that almost every nation signed, banning war. Frank Kellogg and Aristide Briand Who were Frank Kellogg And Aristide Briand?
He is considered one of our greatest Presidents and was the U. S He is considered one of our greatest Presidents and was the U.S. President that led the country through the Depression and WWII. Franklin D Roosevelt Who was FDR or Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
Science Literature Art Vocab People 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 DoubleJeopardy 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
This was the theory proposed by Einstein that said that the measurement of matter and energy are not absolute. The theory of relativity What was Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?
These were the two elements that were used by the Curies in their experiments with radiation. Radium and uranium What were Radium and Uranium?
This was the study and treatment of the human mind. psychoanalysis What was psychoanalysis?
This was what Freud said governed much of human behavior. The subconscious or unconscious mind What was the subconscious or unconscious mind?
This was the process in which certain elements spontaneously release charged particles. What was and is the process Of radioactivity? radioactivity
This was book written by Erich Remarque about the horrors of World War I. All Quiet on the Western Front What was “All Quiet on The Western Front”?
This writer wrote the poem “The Waste Land” about the spiritually empty modern world. T.S. Eliot Who was T.S. Eliot?
This American writer wrote “ A Farewell to Arms”, and “The Sun Also Rises”. Ernest Hemingway Who was Ernest Hemingway?
This book by James Joyce is considered the greatest novel ever written. Ullysses What was Ullysses?
This British writer wrote “To the Lighthouse” and “Mrs This British writer wrote “To the Lighthouse” and “Mrs. Dalloway” about the hidden thoughts of ordinary people. Virginia Woolf Who was Virginia Woolf?
This type of painting or art breaks three dimensional objects and breaks them into parts using angles and plains. Cubism What is Cubism?
This Spanish born painter painted surrealistic or dreamlike landscapes and scenes. Salvador Dali Who was Salvador Dali?
This Spanish born artist painted “Guernica” about the destruction of a Spanish town during the Spanish Civil War. Pablo Picasso Who was Pablo Picasso?
This was the Parisian art world’s way of showing their contempt for traditional ideas and morals by emphasizing the absurd. The Dadist movement or Dada What was the Dadist Movement or Dada?
This was the German school that influenced architecture by blending technology and science with design. Bauhaus What was the Bauhaus school?
This was the name for the modern woman of the 20s who wore short skirts, danced the “Charleston” and went out on dates un-chaperoned. Flappers What were “ flappers”?
This is the name given to the decade of the 20s due to the American music that was becoming popular throughout the world. The Jazz Age What was the Jazz Age?
This is the type of writing made popular by Virginia Wolfe and James Joyce, that randomly probes a characters thoughts. Stream of consciousness What is stream of consciousness writing?
This was the name given to Post World War I writers who left America to live in Europe due to their disillusionment with American materialism. The Lost Generation What was the Lost Generation
This is the era that began with the passing of the 18th amendment. Prohibition What was the era of Prohibition?
He stated that the subconscious mind governed much of human behavior and that the mind struggles between what is morally right and what it desires. Sigmund Freud Who was Sigmund Freud?
She was the first woman elected to the British Parliament . Lady Nancy Astor Who was Lady Nancy Astor?
He wrote, “The Great Gatsby” and was one of the lost generation He wrote, “The Great Gatsby” and was one of the lost generation. He died a penniless alcoholic. F. Scott Fitzgerald Who was F. Scott Fitzgerald?
He was probably our greatest jazz musician and played the coronet with innovation and energy. Louis Armstrong Who was Louis Armstrong?
This French artist shocked the art world with his bold use of color and odd distortions. Henri Matisse Who was Henri Matisse?