By Beverly Cleary Presentation by: Samantha Coomer Ramona’s World By Beverly Cleary Presentation by: Samantha Coomer
Ramona is 9 years old and she is in 4th grade Ramona is 9 years old and she is in 4th grade .A new year and it is the 1st day of school. She has this new friend and her name is Emally and she has another friend named Daniel they called him yard ape .
Ramona has a new baby sister and she wants all of the attention Ramona has a new baby sister and she wants all of the attention . Ramona is upset because she is not getting any attention . Ramona had a bad day at school . When the baby starts coping her actions she knows she is a role model.
Ramona got a new friend named Daisy . She has a dog and cat named Clawed . The dogs name was Mutley . Daisy and Ramona had snacks together.
Ramona got an invitation from Abby Ramona got an invitation from Abby . Ramona has earrings in her ear and Ramona called it little gold balls in her ear . Beezus whispered it is called earrings.
Ramona is watching her favorite show and it is called Big Hospital Ramona is watching her favorite show and it is called Big Hospital . Ramona and Daisy were playing dress up and they used dresses and shoes.
Ramona goes shopping for a new out fit for Abby’s party Ramona goes shopping for a new out fit for Abby’s party . Ramona got a new skirt and shirt . Ramona is at Abby’s house and people go up to her and there like I like your out fit.
At recess boys were telling Ramona Danny loves Ramona At recess boys were telling Ramona Danny loves Ramona! Danny loves Ramona! Ramona went home and she was surrounded by words . Ramona went to Daisy’s house and she told Daisy what the boys said.
Ramona and her friend Daisy her little brother named Tem and he was eating peas . Ramona and Roberta were playing dress up . Ramona was playing dress up and she did not want to ware a slipper .
In the morning Ramona put her class picture in the window In the morning Ramona put her class picture in the window . Daisy’s little brother named Tem spits peas all over Ramona . Ramona looked at the picture and it had peas on it !
Ramona was at school she got a gray envelope it was school pictures Ramona was at school she got a gray envelope it was school pictures . she felt bad and at first she thot she would look terrible . But she looked pretty .
Ramona is happy because it is her birthday and she is having a birthday party ! Ramona is picking an out fit for the party . She got a dress.