Magnet Safety System for NA61/Shine Sylvain Ravat On Behalf of EP/DT-DI
NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016 Introduction To protect VERTEX1&2, EP/DT-DI has been asked to replace the former quench detection system by MSS2 (Magnet Safety System 2). MSS2 is an upgrade of the safety system which protects LHC experiments. Based on proven National Instruments technology already used in the LHC collimators, Totem and ALFA position safety and interlock systems Already used on several magnets: COMPASS and M1 at Prevessin Site LHCb Dipole ALICE Dipole and Solenoid Atlas Central Solenoid Foreseen installations during EYETS 2016/2017: Atlas Toroids CMS Solenoid NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
MSS2 System Architecture Overview (1) HOST COMPUTER (annunciator + MDS) RT controller FPGA Ethernet (TN) DMA MSS2 CORE is cRIO which is autonomous Host PC provides an interface to MSS2, but it is not directly involved in magnet security C modules AI, DI, DO I/O’s NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
MSS2 System Architecture Overview (2) FPGA CORE Design : Parallel Acquisition loops for AI’s (period=200us) and DI’s (period=200us) Analog Processing : LO and HI alarms handling + Low pass Filter for each channel StateChart which determine MSS2 state -> IDLE, Slow Dump, Fast Dump DO’s generation based on logical equations implying MSS2 state, DI’s, Alarms... T = 200us T = 200us Design is made to be very flexible regarding amount of I/O’s and States handling in order to provide generic safety system NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016 MSS2 Typical Rack VAC receives and treats analog signals and sends results to MAC Crate CompactRIO IO Cards MAC receives digital and analog signals , cRIO FGPA will combine these signals and take actions to protect the magnets APC sends FPGA orders to dependent system such as magnet power supply, cryogenic plant… MAC Crate NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
MSS2 electronic cards Analog Input Card used in VAC crate Digital Input Card used in MAC crate NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016 MSS2 tools Annunciator A tool to find the causes of an abnormal magnet stop, Records MSS events at a rate of 5kHz, A User Interface accessible from WINCCOA SCADA system. Magnet Diagnostic System A tool to monitor all analog signals read by MSS2, Acquisition of a maximum of 80 analog signals at a rate of 5kHz, Make a post mortem file corresponding to 30s before and 5mn after a quench event, Archive and display analog signals at a rate of 1Hz. NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
Vertex 1&2 Protection signals MSS2 configuration by Magnet: 1 SQD, 1 Temperature TVO type and 1 Voltage for each current lead 3 joint voltage measurements 3 bridges ( combination of 2 voltages for each) 1 DCCT copy from power supply rack 2 Digital Output signal for FAST dump Current leads VCL VCL SQD SQD TVO TVO Joints Top Coil Bottom Coil 1 1 3/7 4/7 Bridges 3/7 4/7 MSS2 signals for VERTEX 1&2 NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
Hardware Installation NA61 Ctrl Room Cryogenic zone Voltages VERTEX 1 VERTEX 2 Temperatures + SQD Quench signal to Cryo NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
WINCCOA User Interfaces : Annunciator Records events with 200 us resolution. Online, direct analysis. Possibility to analyze older events with offline mode. MCS WINCCOA Dataserver OPCUA Client OWS TN MSS2 MAC Crate Publish MSS2 events via an OPCUA server NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
WINCCOA User Interfaces : MDS Inside MSS2 cRIO controller. Slow Acquisition at 33 Hz. Fast Acquisition file at 5kHz. WINCCOA Database WINCCOA Dataserver OCPUA Client OWS TN MSS2 MAC Crate Publish Analog measurements via an OPCUA server. NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016
NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016 Conclusion MSS2 is working from the beginning of July 2016. Transfer WINCCOA Application from local Windows PC in NA61 Control Room to a Linux Dataserver in CCC. EPICS server to communicate with EPICS client of NA61 DCS Test on technical network with Argonne EPICS Client on several machines. NA61/Shine collaboration meeting - 19/09/2016