Ethnic Cleansing 20th century.


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Presentation transcript:

Ethnic Cleansing 20th century

8 Stages of Genocide Classification Symbolization Dehumanization Organization Polarization Preparation Extermination Denial What was evidence of each stage in the “final solution”? Write down an example for each stage

Ghettos and conditions within Nazis sent and confined Jews to ghettos throughout Central/Eastern Europe 10 – 30 people living in one room (bedroom) Shut off from outside world – Hitler hoped the Jews would all die from poor conditions All supplies coming from Nazis in control 250 – 500 calories of food a day Little to no sanitation

Einsatzgruppen – German Task Forces Soldiers sent into newly acquired areas Primary purpose, "was the annihilation of the Jews, Gypsies, and political commissars." Responsible for 1.3 million deaths at least Eventually replaced by camps – not efficient enough

“Final Solution” 1942 - 1945 Hilter’s idea to eradicate the Jewish and other “undesirables” from Europe for good Concentration camps existed since war’s start Beyond terrible conditions Slave labor Eventually set up death camps that were designed to kill mass numbers at once

Holocaust or Shoah Holocaust – German for “completely burnt” Shoah – Hebrew for “catastrophe” The time, effort, money and planning that went into the mass killing of others is inconceivable for many people. Nazi regime was seemingly highly efficient in their genocide.

The Balkans = A Hot Mess

Ethnic Cleansing of Bosnia 2 separate attempts by Bosnian Serbs to “cleanse” area of Muslims and non-Serbs Between 1992 -1995, the Bosnian Serb Army targeted Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats. “The ethnic cleansing campaign included unlawful confinement, murder, rape, sexual assault, torture, beating, robbery and inhumane treatment of civilians; the targeting of political leaders, intellectuals and professionals; the unlawful deportation and transfer of civilians; the unlawful shelling of civilians; the unlawful appropriation and plunder of real and personal property; the destruction of homes and businesses; and the destruction of places of worship.” In 1995 - 8,000 Bosnian Muslims were killed and 25,000-30,000 were deported from the town/surrounding areas of Srebrenica . Total number dead ~ 200,000

"Between April 1992 and March 1993, Srebrenica town and the villages in the area held by Bosnian Muslims were constantly subjected to Serb military assaults, including artillery attacks, sniper fire, as well as occasional bombing from aircrafts. Each onslaught followed a similar pattern. Serb soldiers and paramilitaries surrounded a Bosnian Muslim village or hamlet, called upon the population to surrender their weapons, and then began with indiscriminate shelling and shooting. In most cases, they then entered the village or hamlet, expelled or killed the population, who offered no significant resistance, and destroyed their homes. During this period, Srebrenica was subjected to indiscriminate shelling from all directions on a daily basis. Potočari in particular was a daily target for Serb artillery and infantry because it was a sensitive point in the defence line around Srebrenica. Other Bosnian Muslim settlements were routinely attacked as well. All this resulted in a great number of refugees and casualties.”

Armenian Genocide Armenians were a small community of Christians living under Ottoman rule since 1500s. Separated by their religion and customs from others in the area Considered to be lesser by the Turkish Muslims who ruled them Did not receive equal rights, even after pressure from European super-powers in mid-1800s. Put pressure on Ottoman government through rebellions

Armenians targeted as payback Series of events lead to the Armenian scapegoating: Rebellion in the empire by younger generations wishing to get rid of the ineffective sultan Balkan Wars between Slavs (backed by Russians) and Muslims led to expulsion of Muslims from Balkan region Influx of refugees to Ottoman empire Loss of territory for Ottomans WWI broke out Under cover of war, Armenians were deported and put into concentration camps or outright massacred

Armenian deportations

Aftermath – 500,000 – 1.5 million dead