Supporting Regional and Minority Languages Seminar “Working together for a multilingual Europe - supporting diversity” Cor van der Meer Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning Salam Salamatsis, ba? Brussels, 20 September 2011
Overview Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning Fryslân / Frisian Language Good practice First of all an overview of my presentation I will start with the introduction, about my work, Mercator Education which recently has been turned into the Mercator European Research Centre on Multiling and Langu learning
Mercator Research Centre 1987-2006: Documentation and Information Centre. Funded by the European Union. 2007 onwards, transition into: Information and Research Centre. Funded by the Province of Fryslân and the municipality of Ljouwert/Leeuwarden. Hosted at the Fryske Akademy
Mercator’s activities Research Publications & databases Network of Schools Newsletters Conferences & seminars Advisory role Mercator is onderdeel van een netwerk. Mercator Education is sinds 1987 gehuisvest bij de fryske Akademy, de andere netwerk partners zij Mercator-Legislation (Barcelona / CIEMEN) en Mercator-Media (Aberysthwyth / University of Wales) Daarnaast werken alle centra nauw samen met het European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) Mercator Education was hoofdzakelijk een informatie en dokumintatiecentrum, het verzameld en verspreid veel informatie over RML’s yn de EU, net allinnich yn de EU mar ek dêr bûten… Het mercator netwurk heeft dus zo’n 20 jaar ervaring opgebouwd. Een aantal belangrijke activiteiten zijn: Publikaties, Regionale Dossiers!!! en de maandelijkse nieuwsbrieven Ook de nieuwe lidstaten heeft Mercator duidelijk in het vizier, er zijn al verschillende Reg Dos uit deze regio beschikbaar. Databases van specialisten op het gebied van meertaligheid en onderwijs Organisatie van congressen of symposia, bekend is de serie van Mercator symposia die sinds 2000 vrijwel jaarlijks worden georganiseerd Network of schools; meer dan 60 scholen in ongeveer 20 gebieden waar men minderheidstalen spreekt en waar alle scholen twee of meertalig zijn Op de Website is een Question & Answer service beschikbaar, en men kan veel informatie vinden over RML, bv. Onderzoeksverslagen, de Regdossen (PDF), gemiddeld hebben we ongeveer 3000 unieke bezoekers per maand
Fields of research Added value of multilingualism and multilingual education. New technologies; distant language (and culture) learning. Application of the CEFR and the ELP in Europe. Informal learning and promotion of reading in families & households. CEFR en ELP binne middels om by it taal ûnderwiis yn Europa mear structuer oan te bringen en om der better ynternasjonaal oer te kommuniseren te kinnen TOMKE is der in konkrete ynbring !!!
Research Reports Development of Minimum Standards for RML education Use of the CEFR and ELP in RML education Comparative studies Study on the devolvement of legislative power to regional authorities Trilingual Education in Europe
Publications Articles Newsletters Regional dossiers series - 40 language descriptions - Update every 5-8 years - Online available Over 40 regional dossiers available at the website 7
Structured contents 1 Introduction 2 Pre-school education 3 Primary education 4 Secondary education 5 Vocational education 6 Higher education 7 Adult education 8 Educational research 9 Prospects 10 Summary of statistics Education System in …. References and further reading Useful addresses With the regional dossiers, Mercator Education aims to provide concise, descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education in a specific region of the European Union. Details about the features of the educational system, recent educational policies, divisions of responsibilities, main actors, legal arrangements, support structures, and qualitative information on a number of schools, teachers, pupils, and financial investments. This information is designed to serve the needs of policy makers, researchers, teachers, students, and journalists as they assess the developments in European minority language schooling. This information may also serve as a first orientation towards further research (additional readings are suggested and contact information provided). The dossiers are written by our correspondents in the different language communities. Without the great and loyal support of these people Mercator would not have been able to elaborate any study! They are small reports, but there is a lot of work needed to search and gather all the necessary statistics and up-to-date information. There are many facts in the reports. And the correspondents are usually very busy and are not waiting for a Frisian lady to ask them to write a report, nagging about deadlines and sticking to the model, etc. Well, the interest on their part is to have a publication on their name and adding a document to a series that can help to compare a whole range of different situations to each other.
Not only EU member states, but also for example Chuvash Republic (a federal state in Russia) Target groups; teachers, students and parents: pre-primary, primary and secondary schools. New members are constantly joining the Network – free of charge 4 x per year a newsletter Dedicated part of the website for learning materials; Aim: schools being part of the Network initiate common activities, i.e. chat sessions, teacher exchange, student exchange, etc.
Network of Schools > 90 members > 30 language communities 15 EU member states News bulletins Website: - teaching materials - projects Target groups; teachers, students and parents More members soon 4 x per year a newsletter Partner schools Dedicated part of the website for learning materials; exchange experiences (small) projects for children. Some examples: project quaack, project postcards
Conferences 2011 / 2012 2011 April: International conference “Languages of the Wider World” 2011 May: Expert seminar “Cultural Education and Civil Society: how can languages contribute?” 2011 Sept 30 / October 1: Mercator Network seminar on “Languages and Legislation” in Barcelona Soon: International Expert Seminar on “Early Language Learning” ( 2012: June 20 – 23; International Conference on Language and Social Psychology April: “Languages of the Wider World”. Co-operation with SOAS Centre of University of London. Understanding Resilience and Shift in Regional and Minority languages. May: “Multilingual society: what can languages contribute?” in Ljouwert. Conference part of the co-operation with the Basque Autonomous Community. 11
Projects Mercator Network of Language Diversity Centres MELT: Multilingual Early Language Transmission EUNoM: The European Universities’ Network on Multilingualism More Languages, More Opportunities Language Rich Europe
Mercator Research Centre - “lead partner” 4 Partner institutes: Aberystwyth – University of Wales Barcelona – Ciemen Budapest – Hungarian Academy of Sciences Eskilstuna (Sweden) – Mälardalen University
Partnerships / co-operation Network for the Promotion of Linguistic Diversity in Cardiff European University Network on Multilingualism in Barcelona European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz Civil Society Platform on Multilingualism Regional authorities Partners en organisaties waar wij mee samenwerken…… ECML = European Center for Modern Languages, ECMI = European Center for Minority Issues De Baskische overheid & Overheidsinstituten van de Moldavische overheid Met GEORGIE samenwerking via het MATRA programma van het (NL) ministerie van buitenlandse zaken.
Visit Chinese delegation, November 2010 Fryslân 50 million, 10% of the EU population Visit Chinese delegation, November 2010
Frisian Language Command 54 % Mother tongue 94 % Understanding 74 % Speaking 65 % Reading 26 % Writing
The Frisian case (1) The Netherlands ratified the European Charter in 1998. 48 provisions under part III signed for Frisian only. The Framework Convention went into force in 2005. Frisian is the only national minority language. So far so good!
The Frisian case (2) Education: At primary school level Frisian is an obligatory subject. Substantial part in primary education and integral part of secondary education. By law it is secured that Frisian is an obligatory subject. Also other subjects can be taught in Frisian, so Frisian can be used as a medium of instruction. According to the the provisions of the European Charter signed, Frisian should be a substantial part of the Curriculum in primary education and an integral part of secondary education.
The Frisian case (3) However: Actual time spent on Frisian is 30-45 minutes a week; 61% of the teachers are not qualified to teach the language; The attainment goals are not measured by the Dutch Inspectorate of Education. Time spend on Frisian is 30-45 minutes a week; mostly this is singing a song or baking cookies where the recipe is in Dutch language. It must be said however that there are also positive things to report; there are also trilingual schools where both Frisian, Dutch and English is taught. However, 30-45 minutes a week is an average. 61% of the teachers that teach Frisian in primary school are not qualified to teach the subject. Attainment goals are not measured by the Dutch Inspectorate of Education; The Dutch Inspectorate of Education falls directly under the responsiblity of the Minsitry of Education. Like for other subjects like mathematics there are goals set to attain. But unless other subjects the goals for Frisian are not measured and the school not ‘punished’ for not meeting the goals. This way giving Frisian of course depends on the teacher or school and if they find it important or not.
Visit SPLIKA, december 2010
Trilingual education in Fryslân (1) Model used: - Group 1-6: 50 % Frisian, 50 % Dutch - Group 7-8: 40 % Frisian, 40 % Dutch, 20% English Systematic use of Frisian, Dutch and English as a medium of instruction. Interactive language education
Trilingual education in Fryslân (2) Results: - Good quality of Frisian - Results of Dutch at the same level at the end of grade 8 as all other pupils in the Netherlands - Results for English slightly better, but not significantly
Visit SPLIKA, december 2010 Thank you Mersi dit Tak Danke Haristo Dzãczi Köszönöm rrrrrak – mit !!!! Tige tank Hvala Teşekkür ederim Ful toank