700 MHz Narrowband Channel Relocation Plan NPSTC February 11, 2008
700 MHz Band Diagram Initial FCC band plan for 700 MHz had narrowband allocations at 764-767 / 773-776 MHz and 794-797 / 803-806 MHz Revised band plan places the public safety narrowband allocation at 769-775 and 799-805
Narrowband Channel Relocation Requirements PSBL/PSST required to administer the relocation process No funding provided in the R&O, however the PSBL/PSST may justify a request for reimbursement of administrative costs associated with relocation The R&O emphasizes that the $10 million cap will not be subject to upward adjustment for any purpose D Block winner required to pay costs of agency relocation ($10M cap) Licensees operating narrowband handsets and base stations were required to file certification with Commission by October 23, 2007 to be eligible for reimbursement
Narrowband Channel Relocation Requirements Relocation plan negotiated between PSST and D Block winner during first 30 days of NSA process; submitted jointly to Commission at end of 30 days D Block winner deposits capped amount in trust account no later than date executed NSA is submitted to Commission No funding for RPC costs associated with amending regional plans Transition completed no later than February 17, 2009
Principles of Project Streamlined process and avoid pitfalls of 800 MHz rebanding No disruption to critical systems Agencies reimbursed for out of pocket expenses Responsible implementation 5
Scope of Project (As of October 23, 2007 filings) 42 agencies affected 233 sites 1,151 base stations 26,133 mobiles (estimated) 73,043 portables (estimated) 95 control stations 4,964 vehicular repeaters Notes: Above ranges reflect difference between 8/30/07 on-air equipment (lower end) and additional equipment included in waiver requests (upper end). The NPSTC SIEC chairman is working with the state and local licensees, which are not encompassed by the RPC’s planning. Source: 700 MHz Relocation Certification Information Filings in Dockets 06-229, 06-150 and 96-86
Roles of Parties PSST/NPSTC Liaison Committee PSST (with Cyren Call) RPC assistance to develop and refine plans Liaison between state and local agency leads PSST (with Cyren Call) Develop and execute plan per FCC requirements Work with vendors FCC Oversight body Vendors Develop and submit plans to PSST by February 4 Local Agency Leads Entities involved directly with relocation
Overview of Process Creation Task Lead Party Status Estimated Completion Date Initial System Census Systems operational as of 8/30/2007 identified 15 waivers submitted to include equipment placed into operation after 8/30/2007 Cost estimates are currently being developed by vendors FCC Substantially Complete 12/31/2007 Planning of Relocation Process Will be substantially complete prior to end of 700 MHz Auction Finalized once agreement with D Block licensee is reached Expected to include high levels of involvement by equipment vendors in both planning and implementation PSST In Process 4/15/2008 Essential Advance Tasks Outreach to RPCs, state and local agencies Support the update of statewide frequency plans Update public safety licenses Development and testing of code plug software (no lead party assigned yet) Reprogram CAPRAD (NIJ responsibility) NPSTC (Primarily) 7/31/2008 Relocation Completion DTV transition date Implementation expected to be vendor-driven with supervision by NPSTC / PSST / FCC Planning Phase 2/17/2009
Process Creation Timeline Start Date End Date Activity 1/15/2008 2/4/2008 Vendors Develop Proposals 2/5/2008 2/6/2008 PSST Board Meeting 2/7/2008 2/10/2008 Draft Sides for NPSTC Meeting 2/11/2008 NPSTC Working Group Meeting 2/14/2008 3/14/2008 Vendor LOI Negotiations 2/12/2008 2/29/2008 Draft Version 0.5 of Relocation Process Document Leadership Review of Document 3/6/2008 Incorporate Feedback into Version 1.0 3/7/2008 Finalize Document, Prepare for Submission to D Block Winner at Commencement of NSA Negotiating Period 9