Rudy Giuliani, Beyonce and Color Blind Racism
Rudy Giuliani on Beyonce’s Halftime Show “This is football, not Hollywood, and I thought it was really outrageous that she used it as a platform to attack police officers who are the people who protect her and protect us, and keep us alive,” he said during an appearance on the Fox News channel. “And what we should be doing in the African American community, and all communities, is build up respect for police officers. And focus on the fact that when something does go wrong, okay. We’ll work on that. But the vast majority of police officers risk their lives to keep us safe.”
Color-Blind Racism Eduardo Bonilla Silva identifies 4 dominant expressions of colorblind racism used by whites: Abstract Liberalism Biologization of Culture Naturalization of matters that reflect the effects of white supremacy Minimization of racism
“She used it as a platform to attack police officers”
“What we should be doing in the African American community is build up respect for police officers.”
“When something does go wrong, okay. We’ll work on that”