Respectable Teacher : Mr. Abubakr Bawazir Detail study of ayurvedic drug :- chitrak Prepared BY : Siddiqui Aqsa Yamin Respectable Teacher : Mr. Abubakr Bawazir Y.B.Chavan College Of Pharmacy
CHITRAK Chitrak Is One Of The Powerful Digestive And Carminative Herbs Of Ayurveda. It Is Used In Most Of Ayurvedic Medicines For Indigestion.
BOTANICAL SOURCE It Consist Of The Dried Root Part Of plumbago zeylanica FAMILY :- plumbaginaceae
Distribution :- Found Throughout India Distribution :- Found Throughout India. It Is Also Cultivated At Some Places.
SYNONYMS Hindi Name - Cheeta English Name - Leadwort Marathi Name - Chitramul Gujrati Name - Chitro Bengali Name - Chita Tamil Name - Chittiri ,Chittira Telugu Name - Chitramulamu Arabian Name - Sheetaraj Farsi Name - Sheetar Sanskrit Name - Anala, Agni, Vahni,etc
DIFFERENT VERITIES p. zeylanica – White ; p. rosea L – Red & Vagbhata Quoted Three Varieties Namely Shweta (White), Peeta (Yellow) & Asita (Black) Usually The Following Varieties Are Found :- p. zeylanica – White ; p. rosea L – Red & p. capensis thunk – Blue For All Therapeutic Purposes, plumbago zeylanica Or The White Variety Is Used
p. zeylanica
p. rosea L
p. capensis thunk
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Major plumbagin 3-chloroplumbagin chitranone droseron elliptinone plumbagic acid zeylanone & zeylinone maritone, etc Others catechol tannins glucose steroidalglycoside sitosterol vanillic acid
MEDICINAL QUALITIES Rasa (Taste) – Katu (Pungent) Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Lightness), Rooksha (Dryness), Teekshna (Strong) Veerya – Ushna (Hot Potency) Vipaka – Katu – Undergoes Pungent Taste Conversion After Digestion. Effect On Tridosha – Because Of Its Hotness, It Balances Vata And Kapha Doshas.
Parts Used :- Root, Root Bark, Seeds.
MORPHOLOGY Shape :- Cylindrical Size :- 5-6 mm In Diameter, 3-7 cm In Length. Colour :- Reddish To Dark Brown Surface :- Smooth, Finely Longitudinally Striated With Numerous Shallow Fissures At Palces Fracture :- Hard Taste :- Pungent Odour :- Disagreeable
USES Dysentry Leucoderma Piles Inflammation Bronchities Anti Microbial Anti Bacterial Dysentry Leucoderma Piles Inflammation Bronchities
The root of this herb is a powerful acro-narcotic poison The root of this herb is a powerful acro-narcotic poison. It causes abortion. It will expel fetus, dead or alive. The root of the herb is used in cases of enlarged spleen. This herb is used as part of many ayurvedic compound remedies for rubifacient applications. Root reduces to a paste is applied to abscesses to open them. A paste made of milk, vinegar, or salt and water may be applied in leprosy and other obstinate skin diseases, unhealthy ulcers, scabies, etc
Marketed formulations Chitrak haritaki :- used in chronic respiratory conditions Chitrak vati :- used in indigestion Kalyangulum :- used in liver and skin conditions
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