and the World-Wide Web (including price comparison websites) A learning activity for ‘Number and Algebra’ using: Prezi, Excel, Google Documents, and the World-Wide Web (including price comparison websites) A presentation by: Wendy Lewis, Kristy Nardelli, Chanel Scheman, Benjamin Sua, Anna Verren & Jing Wang (Anna)
Syllabus outcomes and dot points Mathematics: Stage 4 Outcome: A student... Applies appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems (MA4-2WM) Recognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning (MA4-3WM) Solve financial problems involving purchasing goods (MA4-6NA) (Mathematics K-10 Draft Syllabus Version 2)
Syllabus outcomes and dot points Mathematics: Stage 4 Outcome: Students... Investigate and calculate ‘best buys’, with and without digital technology (ACMNA174) Investigate ‘unit pricing’ used by retailers to determine best buys. Recognise that in practical situations there are other considerations other than just ‘best buy’. Use price comparison websites to make informed decisions. (Mathematics K-10 Draft Syllabus Version 2)
Lesson activity overview Activity to be conducted in a computer lab over 5 lessons.
Lesson activity overview Activity to be conducted in a computer lab over 5 lessons. Students to be shown introductory videos on how to use Prezi. (which they will have to use later in their presentation)
Lesson activity overview Activity to be conducted in a computer lab over 5 lessons. Students to be shown introductory videos on how to use Prezi. (which they will have to use later in their presentation) What is Prezi?
Lesson activity overview Activity to be conducted in a computer lab over 5 lessons. Students to be shown introductory videos on how to use Prezi. (which they will have to use later in their presentation) Tutorial on how to use Prezi
Lesson activity overview Activity to be conducted in a computer lab over 5 lessons. Students to be shown introductory videos on how to use Prezi. (which they will have to use later in their presentation) Additional Resources on how to use Prezi are listed at the end of the worksheet.
Lesson activity overview Activity to be conducted in a computer lab over 5 lessons. Students to be shown introductory videos on how to use Prezi. (which they will have to use later in their presentation) Students work cooperatively in teams of three to plan a real-world fund-raising event. page 1 of worksheet (top)
Lesson activity overview Activity to be conducted in a computer lab over 5 lessons. Students to be shown introductory videos on how to use Prezi. (which they will have to use later in their presentation) Students work cooperatively in teams of three to plan a real-world fund-raising event. Teams to generate a list of items to purchase, and delegate the online research element of the task among their members. page 1 of worksheet (middle)
Lesson activity overview Activity to be conducted in a computer lab over 5 lessons. Students to be shown introductory videos on how to use Prezi. (which they will have to use later in their presentation) Students work cooperatively in teams of three to plan a real-world fund-raising event. Teams to generate a list of items to purchase, and delegate the online research element of the task among their members. Data collected would be tabulate using Excel. Team members then work together to decide on the best quotations, and to justify their decisions. (Using Excel data). page 1 of worksheet (middle)
Lesson activity overview
Lesson activity overview (2) Teams then create an event proposal which has to be presented to the school principal in the form of a Prezi presentation (Web 2.0 tool). Collaboration is required in the decision-making process as to what would be included in the presentation. page 1 of worksheet (bottom)
Lesson activity overview (2) Teams then create an event proposal which has to be presented to the school principal in the form of a Prezi presentation (Web 2.0 tool). Collaboration is required in the decision-making process as to what would be included in the presentation. Students then present their proposal to the principal. (therefore influencing an audience beyond the classroom) page 2 of worksheet (top)
Lesson activity overview (2) Teams then create an event proposal which has to be presented to the school principal in the form of a Prezi presentation (Web 2.0 tool). Collaboration is required in the decision-making process as to what would be included in the presentation. Students then present their proposal to the principal. (therefore influencing an audience beyond the classroom) Submission is via Google Documents (another Web 2.0 tool). page 2 of worksheet (middle)
Timeframe This Task could be achieved over 5 lessons (1.5 weeks). Lessons need not be consecutive. Planning may depend on IT Lab availability. In the first lesson, groups to discuss the details of event to be organised (logistics, purchasing, and planning), and should begin their research on cost- of-items. Students will be given three further lessons to complete the rest of the task, as detailed in the worksheet. (research, tabulating data using Excel, making and justifying decisions, followed by creating a Prezi presentation). Students therefore have to make decisions about the schedule and steps they will follow to accomplish the task. Students are then to present their proposals using Prezi in the 5th lesson.
Innovative Teaching and Learning Dimensions. Collaboration Students have to divide between themselves the various responsibilities involved in designing and organising the event. Students to submit minutes of meeting to prove collaboration and sharing the responsibility. As each student’s portion of the task is interrelated, the task is designed to be successful only if all students collaborate, integrate their ideas and make substantive decisions together. Knowledge building Students build knowledge through the planning of a real-world event. Students explore information that is new to them through the research on cost of items as well as the logistics involved in creating such an event. Students analyse the various quotations on cost of items and justify their decisions.
Innovative Teaching and Learning Dimensions. Use of ICT for learning Students use the Internet to research on prices of items, including the use of price-comparison websites. (Price comparisons are quite difficult to do without ICT) Students use Excel to organise their quotations, and keep track of cost. Students use Google Documents to share ideas and submit their work. Students use Prezi to present their proposal to the Principal. Use of ICT for shopping is available with major supermarkets and some smaller businesses. Eg. Woolworths, Coles, Coast and Country Meats Wyong… Real-world problem solving and innovation. Students research for and use real-world data to plan for a real-world event. Students develop problem-solving skills by planning for an event given a limited budget. Students need to present their proposal to the principal (influencing an audience beyond the classroom)
Innovative Teaching and Learning Dimensions. Self-regulation Students are given the marking rubric at the beginning of the task so they self-assess the quality of their work, and make improvements before turning it in. The task has multiple parts, and is designed to go over one or several weeks Students will be given a timeframe in which to complete this task (4 lessons + presentation). They then have to make decisions regarding time management.
References ITL research information retrieved from Syllabus information retrieved from