TCYSA PRACTICE PLAN 9v9-11v11: Defending with a Back 4 Objective: Teach players defensive shape and movement when defending with 4 in the back Activation Warm Up and 3v1 Duration: 15 Circle Warm Up 3v1 Organization: 5x5 grid. 3 attacking players try to keep the ball in the grid by passing. Defending player tries to win the ball and dribble out of bounds. Coaching Points: Sprinting at the ball and cutting off passing angles. Principles of Play: Pressure 2. 1v1 – 2v2 Line Soccer Activity Time: 1 rep Recovery Time: 2 reps Duration: 15 min Organization: 15x10 field. Defending player starts in the middle of the field. The attacking player is passed the ball and it is 1v1. Dribble across the end line to score. Advance to 2v2. Coaching Points: Teach players to sprint to close down, breakdown to avoid running past the attacking player, staggered athletic stance, patience. Principles of Play: Pressure, cover, control and restraint 3. 6v6+GK Activity Time: 2 min Recovery Time: 1 min Duration: 24 min Intervals: 8 Organization: 50x44 field. 1-4-1-1 vs 2-1-3. Attacking team scores in full size goal. Defending team scores in counter goals placed on the outside to promote transition from the outside backs. Coaching Points: Teach players to read cues of when a pass is coming in (eyes, foot goes back). Defending a pass (intercept, tackle touch, neutralize. Principles of Play: Pressure, cover, compactness 4. Match Activity Time: 5 min Recovery Time: 2 min Duration: 35 min Intervals: 5 Organization: Create as realistic of a game environment as possible by having players in positions and playing with FIFA Laws of the Game. Coaching Points: Use this time to observe the players in a game environment and their application of defending with a back 4. Allow players to play with minimum stoppage.