Last year in review… Won Worlds Debate at the NSDA National Tournament School placed top 20 in Speech (First time ever!) Qualified 12 students to the NSDA National tournament 3 Novice State Champions plus multiple placings 10 Champions @ National invitational tournaments State championship 162 member debate team
Our graduates …
Coaching Staff Ms. Fiebrantz Mr. Montecalvo Mr. Martin Ms. Warenik Ms. Arnold
How you can help … The Tradition (October 8 & 9) Sandwiches Volunteers each day! Judging (psst. We have training!) Novice States (April 22nd & 23rd) Any other ideas? Tell us!
Policy highlights New pay agreement Fundraising Code of Conduct Dress Code Trip sheets Travel schedule Website
What now? Turn in Pay agreement by Monday 09/12 Fill out Parent Information sheet, include when you’d like to volunteer @ the Tradition Judges trainings Today 6p to 6:30pm September 17th
Judging Resources 3 Types of Events Speech Debate Congress Sample ballots on the website for you Times are on ballots and on the website but also …
Public Forum (PF): Resolved: In United States public K-12 schools, the probable cause standard ought to apply to searches of students. First Speaker Team A = 4 Min. First Speaker Team B = 4 Min. Crossfire = 3 Min. Second Speaker Team A = 4 Min. Second Speaker Team B = 4 Min. Prep Time per team = 2 Min Summary 1st Speaker /A = 2 Min. Summary 2nd Speaker/ B = 2 Min. Grand Crossfire = 3 Min. Final Focus 2nd Speaker /A = 2 Min. Final Focus 2nd Speaker/ B = 2 Min Decide Winner/Loser Write reason/notes on ballot
Lincoln Douglas (LD) Sept/Oct: Countries ought to prohibit the production of nuclear power. Affirmative Constructive = 6 Min. Cross-examination = 3 Min. Negative Constructive= 7 Min. 1st Affirmative Rebuttal= 4 Min. Negative Rebuttal = 6 Min. 2nd Affirmative Rebuttal = 3 Min. Prep Time per debater = 4 Min.
Policy Debate: The USFG should substantially increase its diplomatic and/or economic engagement with the PRC 1st Affirmative Constructive: 8 min. Cross-examination: 3 min. 1st Negative Constructive: 8 min. 2nd Affirmative Constructive: 8 min. 2nd Negative Constructive: 8 min. Cross-examination: 3 min. 1st Negative Rebuttal: 5 min. 1st Affirmative Rebuttal: 5 min. 2nd Negative Rebuttal: 5 min. 2nd Affirmative Rebuttal: 5 min. Prep Time per team = 8 Min.
Speech Event Times Original Oratory: 10 minutes Informative Speaking: 10 minutes Humorous Interpretation : 10 minutes Dramatic Interpretation : 10 minutes Program Oral Interpretation: 10 minutes Oral Interpretation: 10 minutes Duo Interpretation: 10 minutes Extemporaneous Speaking: 30 minutes to prepare (in a different room) 7 minute speech Impromptu: 7 minutes