Success Through Teamwork Second Vice District Governor Training
The process of working together to achieve a common goal. Teamwork: The process of working together to achieve a common goal.
Benefits of Teamwork Efficiency Collaboration Innovation Support Satisfaction
District Teams District Governor Team Global Action Team Other district teams
Session Objectives Define ‘teamwork’ Describe the role of teamwork in the district Recognize the benefits of teamwork Identify the characteristics of successful teams Recognize the challenges that teams encounter
Characteristics of Successful Teams Direction and Purpose Commitment Processes and Procedures Leadership Interdependence
Direction and Purpose Goals established through group collaboration Members understand goals/purposes Goals are reviewed and revised as necessary
Commitment Members are completely dedicated to the achievement of team goals Team success is prioritized over individual achievement
Processes and Procedures Successful teams: Have a set of ground rules/operating norms Promote the free flow of communication Have a process for discussing issues/problems Encourage input into decisions Encourage frequent and constructive feedback
Leadership Opportunities for shared leadership among team members Effective leaders (formal/informal) are supportive of members and team goals
Interdependence Each member’s role and work complements others Individual progress is dependent on others Recognize, value, and utilize skills, knowledge, abilities of members Benefits: shared workload, less conflict, increased productivity, communication and collaboration
Obstacles to Team Success Unclear goals Lack of commitment Lack of motivation Unclear roles Absence of trust
Session Objectives Define ‘teamwork’ Describe the role of teamwork in the district Recognize the benefits of teamwork Identify the characteristics of successful teams Recognize the challenges that teams encounter