Refugees, countries, electricity. Stunning Start Help ! I’m a refugee – activity Interview with refugee (council) As scientists we will National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Associate brightness of a lamp with the number/ voltage of cells used in the circuit Compare and explain variations in how components function Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram Record data, use test results to make predictions, plan a scientific enquiry Form a human circuit Design electrical circuits on paper Create electrical circuits and vary components Build, test and evaluate a board game with electrical components DT Geo Complete an analogy between electric circuit and central heating system Write statements to go with a series of diagrams/ fault finding guide Draw a diagram of the electric circuit created for the board game Plan and record an enquiry PSHE Health and well-being Reading The Other Side of Truth Boy Over- board RE Buddhism Christianity (Harvest) A New Home Trips/Visitors Refugee Council Beach visit to collect pebbles (tbc) PGL As Outdoor Learners we will: Go to PGL Create pebble art Refugees, countries, electricity. As writers we w National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Plan their writing, considering audience and purpose Draft, write, perform their own compositions Proofread and edit Interview a refugee/member of the refugee council Write refugee diary entries Have debates on refugee-related issues Write PGL blogs Geo Big Write Activities: Diary Writing Descriptive Writing Discussion Fantastic Finish Pebble Art Exhibition
As geographers we will: National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Locate world’s countries using maps and atlases Describe and understand key aspects of human and physical geography Look up countries in different parts of the world Physical and human geography project on Nigeria Sci/ DT Lit Ongoing, class based assessment As artists we will: National Curriculum Suggested Activities Link Assessment Create sketch books to record observations and use them to review and revisit ideas. Improve mastery of art and design techniques Collect pebbles Create pebble art in the style of Nizar Ali Badr Photograph pebble art and include in sketch books Self/peer assessment As Programmers we will: National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Design and write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithm works and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs Plan, design, code and evaluate a maze game using scratch Geo Lit Peer-evaluation of the game, using the specified success criteria As product developers we will: National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through discussion, annotated sketches and diagrams Select from a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks accurately Select from and use a wider range of components Understand and use llectrical systems Evaluate ideas and products against own design criteria Build, test and evaluate a board game with electrical components Sci Geo As mathematicians we will: National Curriculum Suggested Activities Assessment Place value in numbers up to 8 digits. Calculations using all four operations Common factors, multiples, and prime numbers Ordering, adding and subtracting fractions Using formal written methods to support all four operations Mathematical problem solving Practising speed times tables Times tables tests (weekly) Ongoing class based assessment Practise SATS papers