Helping Your Child to Read


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Presentation transcript:

Helping Your Child to Read

Agenda Welcome Ice Breaker Learning to Read Sharing Rhymes Sharing Books Repetition What Should I Do? Making Sense of Sounds More Advanced Readers Where Can I Find Out More Information?

Ice Breaker Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Reading Writing a shopping list Write a list of items to pack in their suitcase Re-tell favourite stories Re-tell events in correct order Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening are all connected

Rhyming Learn and sing nursery rhymes together, this will help your child to notice the separate sounds in words Play rhyming games and make up silly rhymes

Sharing Books The First Step to Reading (Pre – School) Choose a quiet place – so there are no distractions from TV and radio Choose a book which you like the look of and which you’ll enjoy reading A book which you find boring will also bore your child Follow the words with your finger. You are not teaching your child the mechanics of reading but they will begin to understand that those black squiggly things are important because they are telling the story.

Starting the Journey Read aloud to your child Read poems together Point to the words on the page, move your finger left to right Listen to your child read every day 5 mins Be a positive reading role model for your child Read stories that have repetitive phrase such as the 3 little pigs

Making Sense of Sounds We teach sounds / phonics discretely using the Jolly Phonics format using actions and singing to support our teaching But we follow the letters and sounds programme. (Synthetic Phonics) Phase 1, 2 and 3 and application in Phase 4 Digraphs and Trigraphs Segmenting words, rather than sounding out with single sounds, sound buttons

Handwriting Saint Joseph’s Handwriting format Teach cursive script straight away Warm up exercises, fine motor skills – finger jobs Writing in different mediums, rice, sand, paint, foam, flour and water Big writing - progress to small writing Say what your doing… Always start on the line and go up. Trickiest is the anti-clockwise movements!

Leaving Reception Expectations Preparing for Year One Leaving Reception Expectations To read high frequency words for Reception. Most children in Surrey will be ‘Expected’ but children cannot be assessed as Expected in Reading if they are not there in S&L. Most children should be able to understand the elements of stories such as main character and read a range of familiar words and simple sentences independently. They will also be able to use a non-fiction book. Some children will be able to read books of own choice with some fluency and accuracy.

Something to Think About… Regular doses of fish oils dramatically boosted young children's performance at school. Nearly three quarters of the youngsters - who were of mixed academic ability – the children showed improvements in numeracy, reading and writing after taking fish oil supplements for nine months. A Study Funded by Boots Pharmacy

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